Hmm...well I'm just sitting here, at the computer desk doing absolutely nothing productive( besides writing up a blog post?) I have a Maths exam on Monday which I really wanna do well in so I was going to study..but mangs...this type of dark gloomy weather doesn't stand well with me at all.Not at all I tell you.Hmph...

So what have I been up to really?Since we all know I haven't blogged in yoinks!But erm..well lets see..

Well, I got a hair cut.It's really breezy now toos since it's Winter soon.Brrr, but people have been saying I look good with shorter hair. Cause for most of year ten my hair was short sooo...well let's just say I look better with short hair. Oh, and my tail is longer too :D( duh, it's more noticeable now).

You would have also noticed changed my blog ne? the template I changed. Maybe it's time for something new, something fresh, something that isn't used by everyone that won't make your own blog looks better this way right?

Erh...and this medicine tastes horrible nows.Without amoxcil.Anyways.Events that are coming up:
  1. Summer wars!yaaaays! Tickets are only ten bucks so thats pretty awesome.Like c'mon..ten bucks to go see a movie.A highly acclaimed one.Hell its never going to happen agains. But they're showing Summer wars for the Sydney Film festival so yeahs...and then we can go arcade afterwards!YATTA! One point though...I don't see why they put two arcades right next to each other...competiting ones at that. The movie will be at Event cinemas George st...and that has both Timezone AND Galaxy world.Still going to play at both. Heck my money will be gone but who cares.
  2. SUPANOVA!my first time going there so i wonder how its going to turn out....And i'll be cosplaying agains so yeahs...hmm...more later :D
Bloody Exams, I failed most of them I know it *sigh* They're having sales since its the end of the financial diglet! :D gonna go buy me some games maybe.

What else...erh...maybe a photo spammage afterwards...toy story 1 and 2 marathon on channel 7...hmm. I forgot what I was going to'll come back to me.

It's pitch black outside on that point, goodnight all. AND I PROMISE I SHALL MAKE A POST WHEN MY EXAMS FINISH!

Until then~

It gets unbelievably dark too quickly nowadays.Autumn Solstice. Unleashes the inner beast. Howl.

Hello all!
I know I haven't posted in a while but life keeps me busy. But I'm just here to maybe update you guys on my day, I guess.

So what did I get up to in school todays? Let's have a look shall we:
  • A guest speaker came todays: Mr Brent Sanders..on the issue of.. safety.Rape. Rah. Good enough.
  • It was mufti day todays.. and I think I dressed quite snazzy. :D Well I liked what I wore, not sure about the other people but meh. I'm me. It's my style and you can leave me alone. don't like it, get lost.
  • Second half of day was soooo boring...
  • Someone didn't parkour today..==
  • Joe didn't know what a friggin petticoat was and here i am in front of him wearing one..
  • ARCADE! was good :D cept Joshua dogged us agains.
  • library by myself was good toos..I wasn't really loner.Did see people there. Met a new person too. She asked for my name, and she told me hers.
  • Btw...Liverpool station when it gets dark is somewhat scary nows...:S there was a fight that nearly started next to my bus.. farh out.
And...well I'm going to go downstairs to eat dinner nows. Until my next post.