gotta love days where you can stay in your pj's for the whoooooooole day. Don't you reckon? Just so comfy and sleepy..oh so sleepy..ZZzz...
Speaking of sleeping....I woke up today looking around for cosplay stuff since I'm going to cosplay yet agains! In about 2 weeks time? I think, for a convention called Supanova.Then my dad tells me that we have Foxtel?...O_o It's weird,strange and yet cool in a way.And Xplay sucks. Thanks to you guys who made me think it was a good show...well it's alright I guess. It's probably just because I'm used to watching Good game which is an Australian show about gaming.Plus Good game has a more friendlier approach to deliver gaming, Xplay just..meh.
I think I'll make this post picture heavy.Just cause I can. Here's a little sneak peek at whats in store: Federer.Nadal.Cosplay. Ready? DO A BARREL ROLL!

The first cosplay I ever did that debuted at SMASH! and Animania Main 2009:Maggie Mui from ROD Read or dream tv I even vut m hair for her.heheh...One might wonder why I don't have many pictures of myself wearing this cosplay.That is because I kept running away from my friends asking for a photo.No way mangs =D But Lena eventually caught me.

...*plays pokemon battle music*...

My..second cosplay!Treecko! For a pokemon gijinka photoshoot in December of 2009. At...erh..centennial park in the city me thinks. Bought green chucks specially for him.Plus the fluro wig..O_o

INTERMISSION: Maidu Kicku! That's all for onto Rafa and Fed.

We all know that there's the victory dance or song or pose or..or...RAFAEL'S VICTORY THRUST! =D



annnnd you bring it up front! ^
hahahahahas...To rival Nadal, nothing gets hotter on the courts than Federer:

Mwhuhauhauhauhauhs =P Anyways, back to masterchef and re assignment! HUZZAH!

oh! before that.Me and my trusty companion Jared lost the kotaku comp D= But doesn't matter. Cause I'm quite proud of what I can muster up of anything, my imagination. So if my photography can put a smile on people's dial then I'm as joyous as they are -^^-
Night all~