...I'm not ready to say goodbye yet...

--->So Sayonara<---
~~~>And Farewell<~~~
Sorry readers, I'm just not bothered anymore hahas...*sigh*. It certainly is GAME OVER.
Till next time. Adieu!~

I am not ready. Seriously, you may think I am but I’m not. The sudden premonition of assignments, heaps load of homework, school life and no more games are hitting me. Plus no more holidays. I can cope... I think. No, I certainly will. *Punches fist into air* Alrighty, let’s get started with today’s entry.

OH MAH FRIGGIN GOSH!EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEKKKKKKKKAAAAA!!! ekkk I’ve found the second season of Haruhi! YAY! Heheheh... I fear for my off-peak internet getting capped bad. Before school too! Dang nab it...

Back to tennis...I can’t believe Nadal surrendered! Although, the match was quite good with the rallies and Nadal’s grunts heheh. Now I see how watching tennis is enjoyable. Yeahs... watching sweating men hard at competition is great sports TV.

Meanwhile today is Aussie day! HAPPY OZ-TRAAAA-LIIII-ARRRHHHH day!:D heheh Spent it at grandparent’s house for lunch and for desert was kripsy kremes...I haven’t had them in a long time so devouring those delectable donuts satisfied my stomach. The new flavour was mighty yummy too.

Braces. Ewwwwwwww Braces... I might be getting them depending on the outcome from a visit to the orthodontist. They better not hurt.

That’s all folks! I think...stoopid school is looming up. Blame school. Now goodnight.

Gah...Today ended bad. Real bad. Losing your friend bad. LOSING YOUR FRIEND TO HURLSTONE HIGH BAD! *sniffle*... I didn’t even believe Emilee when she told me a while back.*plays sad Pokémon songs*....*sniffle*...I didn’t even get to say my proper goodbyes...guh. T-T

*Sigh*Well, today I did the usual stuff I suppose. It’s just...guh. Can’t think straight now. This is for you, my wonderful friend, Winnie Flora: I’ll miss you dearly...*sniffle* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-kFSCS-egk

Hm...I baked a cake for my aunty today, since her birthday is on Wednesday but tomorrow is Australia day and everyone is free from work. It came out a success so I’m quite happy about that. It’s a sponge cake and I thought it would turn out bad like last time but guess not. This is because of the fact that my younger cousin being allergic to eggs I have to substitute in yoghurt for the eggs. Pictures of the completely decorated cake will be taken tomorrow after it’s done onto my Deviant art.

Oh yeahs! Gaming also lagged today. Someone here didn’t believe me... Competition still stands at 1-1 I believe. Won’t mention their name because they are noob. End of story. I saw someone wearing an Assassin’s creed jacket two days ago( it might have been from that CE they had) hahahs when I went Cabramatta...strangely enough my cousin (who is around 20 yo and is a hardcore gamer) was walking with them. This made me and brother crack up laughing in the car cos they’re like in a little “Asian teeny bopper” gang hahahahas.Hilarious.

I also had another nap again today (hahahs I feel old). Let’s just hope I regain my energy back in time for school. *Reminiscence~ Back in kindy,during roll call, I would often be asleep. So from then on my teacher in kindy called me sleeping beauty hahahahas... *sigh*.

What else... ah yeahs! I also watched tennis with father today hahas. FEDERER WON! LLEYTON LOST! SUCKED IN! LOSER! HAH! He had no chance whatsoever really... Baghdatis only lost because he retired from his shoulder injury! HAH! SUCK CRAP LLEYTON! Federer can change the turntables of the match while LLeyton just retaliates back. This is exactly why he sucks crab.

That’s all for today I think...if I forgot something; it’ll emerge in the next days or so. Goodnights! And...*sniffle*...Dx....O_O wow I finished this at midnight hahas.

This is Selina here, reporting for duty!*salutes* Ahhh this day went quite fast I think. I’m not really bothered to write an introduction, so I’ll jump straight into my day. If I keep procrastinating writing, I wonder how I’m going to survive this year...

I woke up at six...again. Right on the mark too, didn’t fall back to sleep so I’m more or less going back into my old habits for school. Yada yada yada, I was on my laptop first thing like every morning. Oh! This morning happened to be raining mist :D it wasn’t hot at all (which is a good thing really, who wants to wake up all sweaty?) . Heheheh...and I had the intarweb all for myself because my brother didn’t wake up till after the off-peak web stopped. I managed to get what I needed to do, done I suppose.

After the announcement yesterday that my uncle had a baby boy, we went to pay them a visit. The baby was really adorable heheh and yellow (like all Asians). I think they named him...Nathan. After their house we went to grandparent’s house (mum’s side, dad’s mum is currently free-loading with the uncle with a new baby) for lunch.

Then, when we came back home, we do what we normally do. My brother hogged the ps3, mother watched her usual stuff in the movie room, dad went to sleep, and I...went on the computer, watched an episode, got bored then demanded brother to stop playing Dmc4 and start playing Mgs4 so I can watch. In which he did...eventually at four ==” but I snoozed off. Till seven. When we had dinner. I happened to miss the most important part too! THE FIGHT WITH MANTIS! Dx ahhh But lemme just rant on about Mgs4 next since my brother just finished playing it...a few minutes ago.

ALRIGHTY! *spoiler alert!*...I’m revealing the ending of Mgs4 here, so unless you want to find out from my perception of the ending, I suggest you stop reading.

Well yeahs, basically my brother finished playing Mgs4 today. When I came back into reality at seven, I awoke to Snake trying to survive and enter...G4? (He had to repeatedly mash triangle, his suit was all tattered, asked brother to explain, and yet I still have no idea what was going on) Or was it haven? *shrugs* It was something like that because Otacon put the virus into...uh...let’s just say the AI.

(Can’t believe my memory is a bit fuzzled after watching it a while ago, dang nab it...)

That cut scene was superb actually, how everyone was connected and every single thing with nanomachines ended up spazzing...I think. But then! Naomi popped up! AND SHE DIED! That... was really sad actually hahahas and poor old Otacon hugged his Mac. Now, after her death it started getting epic. Although I missed out on Snake’s fight with Mantis (there was something there about ps2 memory card dammit), I gotta say, this one with his brother Liquid was EPIC! Well, the whole part was awesome! The cut scene between them two and then the interactive fight... what a great ending. Seriously, the music played in the fight was so immense they speak for themselves! It has opened my eyes to why and how Metal Gear Solid as a game/enterprise (or whatever) is so popular. Throughout the series they have kept their reign on as a really superior game. I’m guessing their music contributed since it’s probably the best I’ve heard. And their plot. OMG THIER PLOT! So deep....it’s digging a hole to the Soviet Union!

Hahahas now instead of writing legible sentences I’ll put up bullet points next of what I found amazing while watching the ending of Mgs4.

· “If at first you don’t succeed. Try and try again” Really now...STOP DIEING STOOPID HEAD! KILL HIM ALREADY! Yeahs way to go for encouragement for my brother here hahahs.

· Both Liquid and Snake kept injecting themselves during the cut scene/close quarter combat...I found that somewhat funny but anyways. KEEP FIGHTING!

· LIQUID DIED! Now...what kind of satisfaction is it to kill your own kin?

· Then someone got married and Raiden had babies :D hahahas great.

After that, the credits rolled in. But there was more drama so we waited...and waited. AND YOU SEE BIG BOSS! AND ZERO! Wooooaaah the ending here surpassed all other endings I’ve witnessed in my gaming history. Even Mario can’t beat it. They both died hahas but really...This plot was so deep...how it starts with zero...Oh! And the flashbacks too! Niicceeee. The ending was sad, yes. And that’s all I’ll say about it. I get why the title had patriots...seriously, these producers are really smart hahas. To sum up Mgs4 in one itsy bitsy word: EPICLY AWESOME. *It’s two but who cares. You object and Snake will hunt you down*

That was today, Sunday. I hope you enjoyed my day followers (well you better have, otherwise I typed all this up for no peculiar reason). Till tomorrow, goodnights!

Mood: quite uneasy... and sleepy.
Listening to: Metal Gear Solid 4 ending.
Reading: *squints eyes* the screen.
Watching: what I was listening to...^
Playing:Devil May Cry 4.
Drinking: Water.

Oh dear...good evening my fellow blog-rollers. As you may have noticed; yes, school will initiate in FIVE more days. That’s right, FIVE! What can I achieve in five days? Well I can blog it through till school starts so why not? Ready? Then let’s get started shall we?

*Sailor moon alarm beeps off at six in the morning*TT_TT....But then again it always does every morning, so why am I complaining?!If you’re asking yourself “Why? why is Selina waking up sooo early on a beautiful (bloody hot) Saturday morning?” ,it is to of course use the oh-so-wonderful off-peak intarweb. You heard correct; first thing I do when I wake up is not brushing my teeth, go urinate or all the other necessities required in the morning...I hop straight onto my laptop. Quite bad I know, but that’s how technology swallows you whole; hook line and sinker.

After the usual morning procedures, I dwindled downstairs to abandon the horror of over-heating in my room. As I was chatting away to a dear friend of mine about matters that shocked me to the ground ==”, mother asked me if I wanted to steam mop the house. At first I declined but when she tempted me with twenty dollars, it was too hard to resist. I mean, c’mon! I happen to be saving up for Final Fantasy XII anyways so why not?!

Alas, boredom got the best of me, and so I gave Devil May Cry 4 a chance. My assumptions prove me wrong too. Once I got used to all the controls and fighting style (BUTTON MASHING FTW!) the game is quite entertaining. Behind its exterior of being another game from another series, it’s a game that delves into a deeper...sorter meaning/plot?...I think...Actually I’m too tired to think so meh.*shrugs* I find Devil May Cry 4 fun. End of disscussion.

Now...what else have I done today? Oh yeahs! Dreaded aunty and grandma (from dad’s side) came over, and announced that uncle had a baby boy (No. The baby did not plop out of him ==”. It was his wife. You get what I mean right...right?!) I bring up this point solely because of the fact that I’m the oldest of all my cousins on my mum’s side, whereas I would be older than my...first uncle’s (?) children...and ==’ well the majority of my cousins from my dad’s side are older than me by ...how many years, I have no idea.

And.....that should be all for today I think...besides TV. Tennis..heheheh and the typical prime-time Saturday broadcast of Mythbusters and IronChef. Leaving behind the fifth day before school starts with that note, I bid everyone goodnight! Oh!*ponders with a light bulb (No, that’s ideas Selina! IDEAS!)*...Should I complete Devil May Cry 4 before school? Or rather, can I complete the game? Hmmm...a hard question, a hard one indeed.