Great friends.Wonderful ones that trip over (hah), laugh,smile and hugs.Well nows...what did i do todays?Why don't i recount it here? Hahas.Alrighty.
Today,which is Thursday, I went with Jared Araniego,Florence Araniego,Maryanne Rapadas,Kris Phothisarn and Emilee Lay to the city.First off, Emilee caught the train at Holsworthy because she though it was Glenfield*facepalm*.So the rest of us boarded the train at Glenfield departing at...9:36 am to Circular Quay,where we then had to get off and find her hahas. We did... when we went down the escalator...==". From there we walked to...the Museum of Contemporary Art to go bask in the exhibition of whats his name...which was called "take your time"?i think...for ten dollars.It was quite good actually hahas.I enjoyed it so meh not a waste of money.After that, we watched a contortionist...stoopid lady talked for sooo the stoopid heat.Heh, worth the dollar...but she was good.
Now for lunch, we caught the train back to Town Hall.From there...we walked to Sushi Train.Yeahs and Sushi Train was quite delectable toos, altough it cost me and my brother twenty-four fifty...the way it worked was that you have a train hahas nect to your table where it'd be sushi after sushi which is awesome so long as you spot one,take it in time and enjoy.Hahas and each plate of sushi had different pricing so... I guees me and brother go for finer taste hahas.The scallop was really yummy,the spicy one had false advertising and...the desert that brother picked out was too chocolatey.That was lunch.
Since we had lunch at Sushi Train in the area of Town Hall, we also decided to go book shopping. First was Kinokuniya(my second time booyah!). We stayed for so long but I think it was worth it hahas, ending up buying something anyways.A magazine featuring Final Fantasy XIII!XD Wooh awesome stuff...if only it was in English.Imma treasure this forever heheheh my first ever purchase from Kinokuniya.Annnddddd...Florence bought manga...heheh :D.That's all I think, because Maryanne bought darknight for her brother from...Kings Comic.Yup yups.After that we walked to Galaxy World!andand...=="stoopid Jared pft Tekken 6...NOOB!...then ddr'd heheh and Time Crisis for my brother.He wanted to play Djmaxx Technica as well mans...gosh I can't believe they have it here.After that we went to Capitol building for caps(what normal people call em hahas)but really, it's called purikua.Which I'm pretty sure are all imported from Japan..nah duh Fred.Heheheh that being another first timer there was fun too.
And I think we were thirsty for Easway, so we headed off to Market City.Cept we didn't buy any Easyway at all and explored the floor of Market City.Stoopid Game Infinity.From there we walked to Central and trained it back home heheh...ah the seating hahas stoopid man...:D yeahs I want another day with these wonderful people,they're so much fun man...*sigh* Just gotta wait till conventions(SMASH!and Animania main) now and I'll be in cosplay...erk.
End Recount/Rant :D
ahahahhahs. u shoulve invited me!! :(
Woah who is that stunning figure in the bright green tshirt?
fun times selina, fun times! Score is 1-1 btw.
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