Today I took a nap and had a dream. This is how it goes:
(Well the remnants of it..I can hardly remember it now...)
...whatta waste of a post...oh. and I hate daylight savings == faaaarh out.
Not in Beauty and the beast there isn't one!
Hi again fellow readers! It is I! HA HA!!*goes into an epic stance*..Yeahs erm..pardon for this festivity of a beginning hahas After watching Beauty and the Beast it's got me a little bit happy I suppose?
EDIT!!*After say...a few days?xD*
HELLLLLLOOOS!I'm back again and it is midnight and I cant be bothered finishing my Bio assignment so I decide to finish these draft posts of mine instead.
So why was I happy there? Weeeell I finished watching Beauty and the Beast and might I say it was a mighty fine movie. One of the best Disney movies yet.
Now I'll explain these three pics before I head off for a snooze.
NUMBER ONE! Of Barack Obama wielding a light saber. Do you think it's real? I think it's real. I was searching up...Oh dear, what was I searching up? :| forgot nows. Something to do with epic.
Which leads me to the next picture!
NUMBER TWO!Of...this tennis player HAHAHAHAHAHS!! I think I was on that hype of mine and searched up epic or victory stance. A point to the person who names the player.
And last but not least.
NUMBER THREE! Of...of..two guys playing SNES? And...GUESS THE GAME ON THAT SCREEN! Too hard for me really so Imma wait till someone takes that gamble.Awesome? Definitely. I wonder what I searched before hand though...totally forgot D:
Annnnnd Goodnight yaaa'lll!*shuffles off screen*
P.S BOO YEAHS ONE POST DOWN! Now I needa get two more up..*nervous laugh*
Hi again fellow readers! It is I! HA HA!!*goes into an epic stance*..Yeahs erm..pardon for this festivity of a beginning hahas After watching Beauty and the Beast it's got me a little bit happy I suppose?
EDIT!!*After say...a few days?xD*
HELLLLLLOOOS!I'm back again and it is midnight and I cant be bothered finishing my Bio assignment so I decide to finish these draft posts of mine instead.
So why was I happy there? Weeeell I finished watching Beauty and the Beast and might I say it was a mighty fine movie. One of the best Disney movies yet.
Now I'll explain these three pics before I head off for a snooze.
Which leads me to the next picture!
And last but not least.
Annnnnd Goodnight yaaa'lll!*shuffles off screen*
P.S BOO YEAHS ONE POST DOWN! Now I needa get two more up..*nervous laugh*
Well; before I start my homework for these holidays, I decided to read volume 6 of Full Metal Alchemist. Halfway through, I stumbled upon this transcript within the manga and I thought I'd share it with you guys.
Alphonse: Remember when we talked about what would happen if we died here?
Edward: Uh- huh, and I said everyone would be sad.
Yeah, but that's a pretty self-centered way of looking at things. From a universal perspective, whether we live or die doesn't matter. The world will keep going as if nothing happened.
We're just a small insignificant part of the world aren't we?
Don't say small!!
Anyway... Once our lives are over, all that remains is our physical bodies.
Water, Carbon, Ammonia, Lime, Phosphorus, Sodium, Potassium...
Sulfur, Magnesium, Fluoride, Iron, Silicon, Manganese and Aluminum...right?
That's right. Our bodies are nothing but a composite of those and a few other basic elements.
Our fate is to be decomposed by bacteria and become nutrients for the plants.
And the plants become food for the herbivores...
And the herbivores become food for carnivores. This cycle goes on and on, even when we aren't aware of it.
...But whatever it's called, you and I are only a tiny part of that great flow.
One part of the whole.
But all those individual parts come together so that the whole can exist.
And the cycle keeps flowing because all of nature follows this fundamental law.
Alphonse: Remember when we talked about what would happen if we died here?
Edward: Uh- huh, and I said everyone would be sad.
Yeah, but that's a pretty self-centered way of looking at things. From a universal perspective, whether we live or die doesn't matter. The world will keep going as if nothing happened.
We're just a small insignificant part of the world aren't we?
Don't say small!!
Anyway... Once our lives are over, all that remains is our physical bodies.
Water, Carbon, Ammonia, Lime, Phosphorus, Sodium, Potassium...
Sulfur, Magnesium, Fluoride, Iron, Silicon, Manganese and Aluminum...right?
That's right. Our bodies are nothing but a composite of those and a few other basic elements.
Our fate is to be decomposed by bacteria and become nutrients for the plants.
And the plants become food for the herbivores...
And the herbivores become food for carnivores. This cycle goes on and on, even when we aren't aware of it.
...But whatever it's called, you and I are only a tiny part of that great flow.
One part of the whole.
But all those individual parts come together so that the whole can exist.
And the cycle keeps flowing because all of nature follows this fundamental law.
Understanding that flow, deconstructing and then reconstructing...
That's...The meaning of Alchemy.
So yeahs...pretty deep huh? It just gets me thinking, how cool it would be to actually practice alchemy, if it was still something students or privileged people can learn. To be able to do alchemy, something so magical.Equivalent exchange.
Maybe these are just a mere scientist's dream, maybe not. But I can understand where they are coming from....that's just one of the reasons why I love Fullmetal Alchemist. I am going to achieve my dream.I will and I can. Just you watch me.
*now to get back to work...D:*
*Yawn*....It is 12:17 in the morning, so what am I doing still awake and bothered to type up a blog post? Erm well, it is the Wimbledon finals between the two aforementioned in the title. Reading a commentary provided by a dear friend of mine, I have a feeling Nadal is going to win it this year anyways. Least Foxtel allows me to record TV for later viewing. Lucky aye?
So here I am just chilling out on my...third day of school holidays?(Well it's Monday morning right now) where I should be sleeping...but instead you find me on Msn, this blog, listening to music erh....nothing else productive really...unless you count the intarweb something useful.
Oh and might I make it clear that I absolutely detest slow internet?! Farh out, it is annoying as hell. I cant even get the page to load within a few minutes. IT GOES ON FOR LIKE AN HOUR!? Bloody hell!...D< I really,really hate it. The web works fine on my mac but for my normal comp?..Errrh wah? Sorry can you repeat that sentence? It's not going to reach the ears of my laptop for years. =/
Erm lets see what else I can rant on about..oh. I found a recipe for croquembouche day :D Which was from Masterchef. Which is reliable. Which is..yeahs. Some dates of my holidays have been swapped around, some plans I've dropped...why? Well let's just answer with this: It's the money issue.
I went out and bought my fabric for the moogle cosplay, along with my physics assignment needs. All that's left to do is narrow down the recipe for Emilee's cake, the Portal cake ( Seriously, I do not think this is real and if it was, it wouldn't be edible...I wouldn't trust GlaDos with my life.At all) and thats it I think...I have school work to do but i think I'll do that tomorrow..or later on today..I dunnos.
And I'm sorry to be a letdown everyone, but me thinks im not going to watch toy story 3 this holidays...yeahs the money issue. Plus...meh I dunnos. I could always be 'asian' and wait till someone gives it to me to watch. I know, such a shame I'm missing out, my generation has been waiting 11 years for the sequel.
*Now playing: Make love by Big bang~
Give me that happiness I get from you just being there
I always see you when I close my eyes, you’re on my mind
So can’t you see, I need you right here wit me, close by my side
I don't know if its wrong for me to say that I miss him,that I long for him. But I do, and no one can do a thing about it. It's just who we are. Humans are mechanised this way. Built from the beginning of time to operate like this..( I make us sound like robots ) But...*sigh* what can I do? Just live everyday as it comes. Try and suppress my lethargic self with a grin and shoulders up. I'll just leave this issue for now with a meh mood hmm? =D You readers can let your curiosity pique itself to try and figure out who this person may be.
Annnnd on that note I think I'll end today's post. I need to get things accomplished tomorrow; with fingers crossed, I can. I am a sleepyhead after all.
Till my next post followers, night all~
P.S finished at...1:20 am O_____O holy cow.
So here I am just chilling out on my...third day of school holidays?(Well it's Monday morning right now) where I should be sleeping...but instead you find me on Msn, this blog, listening to music erh....nothing else productive really...unless you count the intarweb something useful.
Oh and might I make it clear that I absolutely detest slow internet?! Farh out, it is annoying as hell. I cant even get the page to load within a few minutes. IT GOES ON FOR LIKE AN HOUR!? Bloody hell!...D< I really,really hate it. The web works fine on my mac but for my normal comp?..Errrh wah? Sorry can you repeat that sentence? It's not going to reach the ears of my laptop for years. =/
Erm lets see what else I can rant on about..oh. I found a recipe for croquembouche day :D Which was from Masterchef. Which is reliable. Which is..yeahs. Some dates of my holidays have been swapped around, some plans I've dropped...why? Well let's just answer with this: It's the money issue.
I went out and bought my fabric for the moogle cosplay, along with my physics assignment needs. All that's left to do is narrow down the recipe for Emilee's cake, the Portal cake ( Seriously, I do not think this is real and if it was, it wouldn't be edible...I wouldn't trust GlaDos with my life.At all) and thats it I think...I have school work to do but i think I'll do that tomorrow..or later on today..I dunnos.
And I'm sorry to be a letdown everyone, but me thinks im not going to watch toy story 3 this holidays...yeahs the money issue. Plus...meh I dunnos. I could always be 'asian' and wait till someone gives it to me to watch. I know, such a shame I'm missing out, my generation has been waiting 11 years for the sequel.
*Now playing: Make love by Big bang~
Give me that happiness I get from you just being there
I always see you when I close my eyes, you’re on my mind
So can’t you see, I need you right here wit me, close by my side
I don't know if its wrong for me to say that I miss him,that I long for him. But I do, and no one can do a thing about it. It's just who we are. Humans are mechanised this way. Built from the beginning of time to operate like this..( I make us sound like robots ) But...*sigh* what can I do? Just live everyday as it comes. Try and suppress my lethargic self with a grin and shoulders up. I'll just leave this issue for now with a meh mood hmm? =D You readers can let your curiosity pique itself to try and figure out who this person may be.
Annnnd on that note I think I'll end today's post. I need to get things accomplished tomorrow; with fingers crossed, I can. I am a sleepyhead after all.
Till my next post followers, night all~
P.S finished at...1:20 am O_____O holy cow.
Hello well wishers. Here I am, starting another holiday on a rather uneventful Saturday night. You know I'd keep it to Saturday but I added night because I had a rather wonderful day. Two very different things. Oh yeh I hugged the exec producer of neighbours, and she asked me what I was having for lunch oh yeh yeh!!! WOO!
Anyways, so what's been happening for the past 11 weeks? Assignments, debating and mock trial. Plus world cup and Roger Federer declining, HE'LL BE BACK. So here's what happened in a nutshell over the eleven weeks
- Got the MAC YEAH YEAH!!
- Debating and Mock Trial, Year eleven team congrats on winning the comp! Very proud! Special mention must go to someone who shall not be named saying that the kid on stage had a funny head, then his mum who happened to be sitting in front of us saying 'no he doesn't!' Oh fun times.
- Mary-Anne's birthday yipee! Fun times.
And a whole lot of other crazy stuff I can't remember. If I forgot something I'm sure Selina will use that as a reason to throw a boot at my head...OH YEAH!!
- Watched Summer Wars wit mah homies. Beat em up at Street Fighter 4, lost to bloody abel. Had fun overall. Wished I had an Arcade stick. If I had one I'd eat it.
- Became the first Female Prime Minister of Australia. GO ME!
- Fell in love with Super Street Fighter 4
So what have I got planned for these holidays? Well as mentioned in the previous post I'm going over Selina's house to a) play games and beat bayonetta in 3043 seconds and b) make some sort of tower contraption. then eat it. And I'm going to a celebration of a birthday, which shall be fun. Expect to see me in a box, or blood soaked raincoat. Yeah I don't know. I'd also be pumped for the wimbledon final tomorrow, but seeing as how Tomas 'Caw Caw' Berdych ruined the celebrations...yeah.
Anyway I think that's pretty much it for now, I shall bid you a farewell...
Wait I'm not done. You know what's really annoying? FF13. It's so boring it's annoying. I thought linear gameplay and mashing X was the worst of it, but then came Vanille.
Vanille is the worst character ever made. Everything about her is annoying. Her voice is annoying, the way she presents herself is annoying and the way she runs is annoying. Yes even the way she runs is annoying. It's like the business men at Square Enix bought a book 'How to be annoying. For dummies', and they somehow managed to cram everything that is annoying into vanille. Did I mention she's annoying?
Yes while I was playing I smelt something foul. I smelt the game, then I smelt my shoe. One had poo on the back of it. I'll let you figure out which one*
*FYI it was my shoe. I went to clean it out and had more fun doing that than playing FF13.
Anyways, so what's been happening for the past 11 weeks? Assignments, debating and mock trial. Plus world cup and Roger Federer declining, HE'LL BE BACK. So here's what happened in a nutshell over the eleven weeks
- Got the MAC YEAH YEAH!!
- Debating and Mock Trial, Year eleven team congrats on winning the comp! Very proud! Special mention must go to someone who shall not be named saying that the kid on stage had a funny head, then his mum who happened to be sitting in front of us saying 'no he doesn't!' Oh fun times.
- Mary-Anne's birthday yipee! Fun times.
And a whole lot of other crazy stuff I can't remember. If I forgot something I'm sure Selina will use that as a reason to throw a boot at my head...OH YEAH!!
- Watched Summer Wars wit mah homies. Beat em up at Street Fighter 4, lost to bloody abel. Had fun overall. Wished I had an Arcade stick. If I had one I'd eat it.
- Became the first Female Prime Minister of Australia. GO ME!
- Fell in love with Super Street Fighter 4
So what have I got planned for these holidays? Well as mentioned in the previous post I'm going over Selina's house to a) play games and beat bayonetta in 3043 seconds and b) make some sort of tower contraption. then eat it. And I'm going to a celebration of a birthday, which shall be fun. Expect to see me in a box, or blood soaked raincoat. Yeah I don't know. I'd also be pumped for the wimbledon final tomorrow, but seeing as how Tomas 'Caw Caw' Berdych ruined the celebrations...yeah.
Anyway I think that's pretty much it for now, I shall bid you a farewell...
Wait I'm not done. You know what's really annoying? FF13. It's so boring it's annoying. I thought linear gameplay and mashing X was the worst of it, but then came Vanille.
Vanille is the worst character ever made. Everything about her is annoying. Her voice is annoying, the way she presents herself is annoying and the way she runs is annoying. Yes even the way she runs is annoying. It's like the business men at Square Enix bought a book 'How to be annoying. For dummies', and they somehow managed to cram everything that is annoying into vanille. Did I mention she's annoying?
Yes while I was playing I smelt something foul. I smelt the game, then I smelt my shoe. One had poo on the back of it. I'll let you figure out which one*
*FYI it was my shoe. I went to clean it out and had more fun doing that than playing FF13.
Hello cyber citizens...mangs I haven't written to you guys in a loooong time.
So what do I have planned this holidays? let's see...(yeahs this might be difficult to read...bear with me)
OH!and grant is coming back this holiday? or next term? I dunnos...But Grant will be back! yaaaays finally..I miss him ><"
Till my next post these holidays.
So what do I have planned this holidays? let's see...(yeahs this might be difficult to read...bear with me)
- Gaming:(in no particular order)
- Bayonetta...This needs to be done and dusted and returned to it's rightful master.(Yeahs that's right,I called you a master)
- Final Fantasy XIII..Don't know if this is achievable but I am going to give it my best shot.
- Devil May cry 4...Yeahs another game that's long due it's completion date.
- Lil big planet
- Star ocean
- Valkyria Chronicles! Thanks for reminding me =3
- " " (will edit when I think of more games/complete the games)
- Homework..grrrr ==
- Chemistry..assignment and stuff
- Physics..exactly like chem ==
- Maths...==
- Religion
- Biology...
- " " ahh farh might as well say all my subjects have homework
- Croquembouche day with flobot3000 and Jared ^O^ yummy yum yum..
- Recipe, recipe where art thou recipe...hmmm
- Moogle cosplay wheeee~
- *insert picture here* :D
- Toy story 3..? I have no clue when I'm watching this.
- *whispers* apparently it's really good.
- Am I even still going to go city with the 'clan'...=/ Don't know...
- They are my friends...*sigh*Guys, wait up...please.
- Speaking about the city, I need to go city with Mary-anne..
- I promised her, and I never break my promises.Promise.
- Needa go Angela's house for lan party..Dofus here I come!
- Thanks for giving me pay to play subscription for a month! xD
- Gaming Marathon with Jared..
- Yeahs let's rip apart Bayonetta together!..and finally give it back to you.
- Sydney Fc vs Evertooooooooooon! whooo!
- Heh, Jealous? I know some people are....I wonder if i got good seats *ponders away*
- Another month, another dentist appointment yet agains...
- *still pondering* what colour nows hmm..hmm...
- Emilee's birthday...xD
- I get to cosplay zee beloved moogle..kupo~ <3
- AND bake her a cake..or two: honey honey honeeeeeycomb
OH!and grant is coming back this holiday? or next term? I dunnos...But Grant will be back! yaaaays finally..I miss him ><"
Till my next post these holidays.
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