Hi again fellow readers! It is I! HA HA!!*goes into an epic stance*..Yeahs erm..pardon for this festivity of a beginning hahas After watching Beauty and the Beast it's got me a little bit happy I suppose?
EDIT!!*After say...a few days?xD*
HELLLLLLOOOS!I'm back again and it is midnight and I cant be bothered finishing my Bio assignment so I decide to finish these draft posts of mine instead.
So why was I happy there? Weeeell I finished watching Beauty and the Beast and might I say it was a mighty fine movie. One of the best Disney movies yet.
Now I'll explain these three pics before I head off for a snooze.
Which leads me to the next picture!
And last but not least.
Annnnnd Goodnight yaaa'lll!*shuffles off screen*
P.S BOO YEAHS ONE POST DOWN! Now I needa get two more up..*nervous laugh*
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