I think I'll just leave this picture here...Thanks again Jared!

Whelps. Its time to pack my bag. Time to regain an early sleeping pattern(hopefully).Go back into this daily routine known as SCHOOL. *Sigh* My holidays were quite fun too...Just like what the good sir Jared mentioned down there. Good times had and spent.

I'm not really bothered to type anything up (agains. Dejavu of the previous holidays before term one hey?) It is going to be school in a few hours. School...when my days goes back into set hours and things to do, when I'm not lazing about anymores, when I can't play my games... CAN'T PLAY MY GAMES NO MORE?! Ridiculous! D: But it's the utter truth. For eleven weeks as well. Plus this time it's going to get harder, much harder. Grrrreaat.

Am I going to break under pressure? Hope not. Am I going to make new everlasting memories? Hmmm I'd like to. I want to do better this term. I know I will( hopefully) T______T But you know what makes every school term fly by? Friends. They'll be here for me... least I think they will. If not, then..well expect nothing in return from me. That's how the world works sorry.

*Sigh* Goodbye my blog, games...GAAAMMMES D: . I gotta get my head in the game*sorry HSM reference...O_O dang nab it, I'm hallucinating*. YAH! *headdesk*...Actually, I'll be on SEMI-HIATUS. Much better...this time I'm not dissapearing.
So here we are. Sunday before school starts and it's time to reflect on the last two weeks. In a nutshell it's been pretty good, and as a whole I'm pretty happy about what I got up to. Matter of fact what did I get up to? Let's see

-Rock Band Session at Emilee's house on the day we finished school AWESOME!
-Selina and Joe come over on a tuesday. Major fun!
-Collaborating with Selina on Around the World in 7 Days according to Selina and
Jared with friends. I dare say we've done quite a lot ay?
-Gaming Marathon with Selina yesterday. I'm better than you at Stepmania.
-Celebrating Laos New Year with friends hoo!!
-Playing lotsa games! ZOMG Silent Hill 2 and The World Ends With You being major
-Study day with Selina, Joe, Alec and Emilee. Major discovery: Arcade machine that
plays retro games. $1 gets you two games! AMAAAAAAAZING!

This is the last post of Around the World in 7 Days...will we be back next holidays? I certainly hope so! I might just have to talk with Selina tho, she's a busy one.

Final thoughts? Well Selina, I thought the developers would go down the same path of...well samey holidays! But I was surprised, they attempted to do something different, and it's ultimately payed off. What we have here is a holiday that was fun, and if a holiday is fun, well I'm happy. I'm gonna give it 8 outta 10 holiday rubber chickens.

This is it. The last paragraph. I don't know what to write anymore and it's getting a bit depressing. I'll miss doing this for 10 weeks! BYE EVERYONE!!
Mum:*enters room* Wake up.


Mum: I said get up now.

Me: Wah?..huh?...Zzzz

Mum*little bit frustrated*: It's six o' clock. We're going to leave soon. Without you. Now wake up. *walks outta the room*

Me:Zzz..alright,alright. *turns in bed*

Annnnnd that was my day so far. Nah I kid. That was exactly at six am this morning right before everyone in my family(except for lazy, sleepyhead brother who stayed home) headed off to send our relatives back to homeland! My eyes were so droopy...but I managed to wake up, stay up, have a bite(if you call brekky this: sandwich shared with mum; had to rip into pieces cos of braces) grab my necessities ( Ds, mp3,camera, earphones and a bottle of water) and jump into the car.

No pit stops(cept maybe to go pick up the relatives to drop off at Sydney International airport).Oh!Plus Cabrammatta for some brekky take away. MY FAVOURITE DVD SHOP ACTUALLY CLOSED DOWN TOO!*cough,cough,nudge,nudge,wink,wink* Other than that, it was straight to the airport. Which I haven't been in yoinks, so it was quite fun to see it agains. The thrill of lining up for your flight, check-in, then wondering around aimlessly for the departure gate. Mind you, the shops here were really high class(Ok.Maybe 'The wiggly store' isn't as high class, but for high-class kiddie flyers?)

Here's an example of what I mean: We passed by a Guess store on the way out of airport. I eye a red shirt that I like. Check the price tag...Nearly screamed in the store. The price? $100. D: I liked the clothes from that brand...ah wells. Although, when I went to Westfields at Bondi Junction one time, I bought a Mooks shirt that was originally 90 bucks. It was reduced down to 60. Hmm.

What else...There was a bookstore. I absolutely adore books, so I automatically run inside, mesmerised by all these books surrounding me.(Lock me in a library and I'll sleep in heaven. Lock me in a gamestore instead, and you got yourself a ninja) The smell of the pages ripening away, the hardcovers, the print..ahhh. Wonderful.It truly is. This bookstore was sorta huge too(Not as big as Kinokuniya at TGV) But big enough to contain an added section of a News-agency on the side. Which was where I spotted the whole, cleanly organised rack of gaming magazines. I walked out happily with issue 4 of the "Gameinformer" magazine costing only $5. (Gameinformer had epic mickey on their issue 0 cover.)Lemme tell you, Gameinformer is a brilliant read for intellectual minds. That is all.

We also browsed this other store which contained everything, well more or less like a Duty-free store for technology, perfume, alcohol and the like.
They had the new-gen consoles for sale, including God of War III(watching/listening to a God of War series rant is the best by far). Swatch watches...I want one of those as well. Such high-roller fashion. Maybe I'll get one when I go to Europe.

It was quite sad to send off my relatives from Laos back to Laos, because then I realise (like I haven't for the past days of the repeated quote "When you're older you HAVE to go visit them/us") that I won't see them again until then.The last time they were here was when I was small. I've had a good time with them. I'm pretty sure they had an enjoyable time down here as well. Except for the fact that they would stayed for two more months here if it wasn't for family incidents back home not to be mentioned. Other than that, I wish them well until next time. Hopefully I'll be more fluent in Laotian as to communicate much better.

More photos from this morning: Samsung golden hand! Zoom!! Nice use of blocks...if they were Rubik's cube, that'd be a much better structure. Goodbye airport!Till another how many years.Driving in the M5 is horrible. Toxic fumes gathered here, no wonder there's so many asthmatics in this world.

Oh yeahs! I was also addicted(still am) to Rhythm Heaven(http://www.gamecyte.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/np240_rhythmheaven.jpg)on the car trip to and back. Didn't fit any Phoenix Wright in though, too busy reading GAMEINFORMER.

Now...my list of things to accomplish for the rest of the day:
  • Bake a green sponge cake with cream in between layers with mini marshmallows..hmm maybe I oughta melt those marshmallows instead.
  • Get pizza ingredients. Quick sticks!
  • Play games some more.*I'm coming back rhythm heaven!*
  • Organise today, so that tomorrow's Gaming marathon with partner in crime Jared((also other half of this blog since the start of holidays) heinous crimes) runs smoothly.
So until the next post(hopefully before school starts up)~ Selina out! Enjoy the remaining two days readers!
Yup. It's overdue by a mile, I know but meh. HERE YAH GO! Hold on tight and get ready for this ride! Mind you, it will be bumpy.

That's what you get by Paramore

Seven nation army by white stripes

Nine in the afternoon by Panic at the disco!

All the small things by blink182

Feel good inc. by gorrilaz

Wake up call by Maroon 5

Maps by Yeahs Yeahs Yeahs

Love like winter by AFI

Here it goes again by Ok go

Poker face by Lady gaga

Carry on my wayward son by Kansas

Call me when you're sober by evanescence

Bad romance by Lady gaga.

And done!*phew*~ How's everyone's holiday going? Mine...yeahs it's alright. The magical findings of a HDMI cable has heightened my ps3 gaming to a whole new level so yeahs, all cool :D Till next post!
Sorry fellow followers of mine, I know I haven't posted in a while but might as well jot some nifty points about what's been occupying me these past few days. Better than nothing, I guess. Providing some pictures as well.

Thursday: Went shopping at city with friends on. Always a good thing, besides losing all my money...Plus I also bought the Phoenix Wright Art Book (http://whatawonderfulworld-jared.blogspot.com/2010/04/around-world-inah-stuff-it-i-bought.html). I walked into Galaxy world at Market city expecting that I use some money, but noooo. Nothing. Zilch.Nada. Not a penny at all to play arcade games, and I'm blaming my friends. The converse store at Market city. I wanted those chucks so badly! (The only shoes I wear and collect are chucks..yeahs call me weird.)D: The texture was sorta like fur? If only I didn't buy a book.At the end of the day, my dad told me he was going to give me fifty bucks to spend but I left the house earlier with mum...Dang it.
We also took heaps of caps! I mean HEAPS!(like three machines heaps!)...which is money gone again. Why oh why?!...hmm what else. Ate at Ice cube, Darling Harbour for lunch. The sea gulls were addicted to us...farh out they wouldn't leave us in peace..because someone kept feeding em. (I like my pepper spice :D)$ 10 that was. Oh! I also had cold rock ice cream; bubblegum with chocolate freckles mixed in..mmmm.A lovely tour of the Lindt chocolate cafe by Winnie..mmm divine.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday: Celebrated Laos New year with family and all other people at the festival at Bonnyrigg temple. Got to see Manoh and Eric again so that was pretty cool. Sa bai dee pee mai lao ~the only one where I'm visible that I'm putting up :DMy little cousin Nicholas( he nearly beat me in chess!) sticking this..thingo in the sand dune. I smelled like incense from that.All the pretty guys and girls (well technically it was the crowning of 'Nang Sankhane' and her six sisters) But yeahs...these people..were celebrated?special? I can't explain in English. They danced all the way around the temple and out here.The band that followed. Banging on the drums. Normal people also danced behind them.Such a familiar, joyous atmosphere..These were dancers in front of the band and dancers.If that makes any sense...

Friday: Traveled to Parramatta to get my braces.. They suck. Badly. But I'm slowly coping.

And yeeeaaahs...That's whats been happening in the middle of my holidays. Interesting? Highly, but then again its the holidays :D. I hope you guys are having as much fun as I am. Cos now its time to go back to doing holiday homework.( maybe after editing this overdue rockband video)
Hello blogaroonies! When I went onto Selina's blog to post something new I noticed that the last post was done by me...on her page. I thought to myself "something's seriously wrong here" but then I remembered she posted on MY page, so if you missed out, here it is: http://whatawonderfulworld-jared.blogspot.com/

Check out that OFFICIAL Phoenix Wright art book mmmm! It looks good, feels good, smells good and probably tastes good. I wouldn't eat it though, why would you rip out pages of a $63.75 book?! ARE YOU CRAZY MAN?!!!!!

Anyway, day 6 of the holidays so we're nearly half way. And if you're worried that this blog will end tomorrow because we're supposed to go around the world in 7 days, fear not! The title was devised when selina said something about having to travel around the world in 7 days, and it kinda spawned from there!

Anyway, no more side tracking? What did I get up to today? Just a bit of the same old, power rangers, youtubing, FIFA 10...which makes me really angry. I will not rant about FIFA 10 for I do not want to contaminate I'm an orange with FIFA 10 ranting! So instead I'll just rage...RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE!!!!

I also played 'Press X to Jason' which is this neat flash game that mocks the scene in Heavy Rain where you walk around as Ethan, and repeatedly press X to call Jason, his son who has gone missing in the mall. And that's pretty much what it is, pressing X to call out jason, until the 30 seconds is up, in which it counts how many times you called out Jason (in other words, pressed X). 270 times for me, 404 time for my brother grrr. I also played Mario and Sonic at the olympic games with my brother on the DS, but the less said about that the better :)

So that's pretty much my day. My partner in (harmless) crime had a splendid day celebrating Laos New Year! Mention Coconut tarts and you won't hear the end of it...you won't want it to stop anyway!

I'll leave you readers with some inspiring words to ponder. Until next time, Hex out!

We're back! We're ready to morph into action!
Six working together to fight evil!
And stop Rita!
And all her menacing monsters!
From destroying our planet Earth!
And ruling the universe with evil!
Look out, Rita, we're not backing down 'cause we're the...POWER RANGERS!!
Day two! I hope every day of the holidays is like day two, having awesome friends over and doing all the things awesome friends do like uh...visit Op Shops! And uh...help take photos of awesome magazine collections! Anyway let's continue.

Selina, public transport isn't necessarily an expensive thing when friends are willing to lend money that they need for transport on a later date. Anyway that's besides the point, you shouldn't be complaining bout monies when you walked into JB hi fi and bought a $100 GAME!! Fair enough it is a pretty good game tho, and with an Arcade stick zomg!! But still!

And uh...well I concede defeat in the chess series, I'll get ya back tho! I'll be back like Lord Zedd is every episode of Power Rangers, promising to find some new nefarious scheme to take over Angel Grove and then the world! I'LL BE BACK SELINA!!

So how did Day 2 go? Let's take Selina's points and put them from my perspective:

1) I do like to take walks. Long walks sometimes, as long as I have a bottle of water with me. Yeah being stranded with Bryan and Florence woulda been pretty bad (nah they're alright!) but I stress the point that you were supposed to get off at the stop which has the guy waving his arms around! I STRESS IT!! Oh well at least I got some Miles Edgeworth time down...

2) It is pretty hard dontcha think? Hence why I needed your artistic help

3) My PS2 is showing its age. It is making me sad. Hope you enjoy Bayonetta as much as I did.

4) Welllll! My arse hurt...end of story.

5) I can call that abandoned place a brothel, if you don't have any evidence to prove that it wasn't a brothel. DO YA?!

6) Thanks for the Digimon and the Power Rangers! Hope you enjoy Pivot as much as flo and I do!

7) I need a phone. Period. So be glad that you have a phone hmph!

8) I like my elite skillz too! Especially in Guitar Hero. Refer to arcade machine

9) Your cooking is certainly the best! Make some more cookies for my birthday? Thanks bro

10) *starts singing* GO GO POWER RANGERS!! *brief guitar solo*

Today was fun, and I wish every day was as fun as today. But if every day was as fun as today, fun would become boring, and we wouldn't know the concept of boring. And that will go against the logic of the world. I guess what I'm trying to say is...Tracey Lien is zomg hotness galore love love love love love

Jared out!
Whelps,followers of this grand adventure of mine, what have I accomplished for day two? Going over to Jared's house and obtaining my targeted desire: Devil May Cry 4...ooooh yeahs. Mission complete.First off, I would like to complain about something. Public transport. Far out, they stress me so much. It's so friggin expensive toos! A bus from Liverpool station to Leacocks lane cost me about $3.30!(but then again, I was stupidly paying for an adult fee).

What else...oh yeahs! I WON IN CHESS! ( That is all the rubbing in I'm going to do..for now.) It consisted of three rounds over the duration of this term with the resulting score being 2-1. So now the overall score is 6-5 his way. I swear, I'm going to reign supreme on the scoreboards once again. Nothing can stop me now with this arcade stick!

Well basically it was hanging out and about in Casula I suppose. Nothing more, other than the fact that:
1) Jared likes to take walks.Very long walks leaving the guest stranded at his house with brother and sister. (Ok. Well maybe I'll take some of the blame for not getting off at the right stop. Call me a noob for all I care.)
2) It's such a pain to put up a single poster. Like seriously now.
3) We got some gaming done; Final Fantasy 12 for Jared's ps2 doesn't work, Bayonetta for Joe, some Rockband featuring Flo, God of War 3 for Byran annnnd... well nothing on my account.I got to take home two games though. ^^
4) People need to learn to look out for the traffic lights. Yes, I'm talking to four eyes too.
5) An abandoned place (with strangely posistioned doors above ground) isn't necessarily a brothel in its first life.
6) Good technology swapping goes a long way.A long way indeed. Thanks were exchanged.(The exception is when Joe overtakes Msn.Bad idea.)
7) I need to get a better phone. So does Maryanne( who has purple hair nows!*refer to collage*)
8) I like mah elite skillz. That is all.
9) My cooking is the best.( Cookie wookie! and instant noodles cup...mmmmmm oishi desu-ne?)
10) *starts singing* Gee, gee, Gee ,geee ,gee baby baby~

And that actually shall be all..I think. Well today was fun, I have to say. The Casula atmosphere is always welcoming I suppose. What's there in Casula to hate? Nothing, nothing at all.
Well considering our first day of the holidays is on monday, I've taken the initiative to name the Rockband Session at Emilee's house Day minus 4, cause it was four days before the official start of the holidays which was Monday...actually don't worry about it.

So as you can see below, Selina has utilised her artistic abilities to create a collage of Day minus 4, which was the best way to end the first term of school. The culmination of stress, early starts and the usual highs and lows ended in a furore of singing, drumming, guitaring and repeatedly calling Joe 'noob' at rock band! YA NOOB!

HOO! There's a formula for fun and it goes:

Rock Band squared + Full Band Set x 6 or more people = Fun

Even Einstein agrees, cause he came up to me in a dream and told me about it. You gonna disagree with Einstein??!

Going back to Day Minus 4, there was pretty much nothing that went wrong, there was even yummy food! Like zomg the day couldn't have been more perfect, or else the laws of the universe would be broken and we would cease to exist!

Perfect start to the holidays! I'll be reporting for duty in the next two weeks! Till then, Jared out!
Well, I promised an Easter day post, so here it is. heheheh ^^ Alphonse and Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist. Kawaii desu-ne?~

I hope you all (no matter what religion,race, space and time continuum you orginate from) had a good Easter today spent with your loved ones. I did...minus the chocolate eggs,since I dislike chocolate a tad. Just a tad,mind you.
Maybe we oughta count down the days of the holidays like The World Ends with you?Anyways, Day zero was a really awesome Rockband/music ravin' on the PS3 session at Emilee Lay's house consisting of these participants (clockwise in picture) : Joe Chisesi, Maryanne Rapadas, Jared Araniego, Joe, Joe, Maryanne, Jared, Lena Xian, Jared, Joe, Kris Phothisarn, Joe, Selina Phothisarn and finally all pointing to the middle; Rockband goodness oozing outta the TV.

My partner in crime might supply more goss on this day into his blog...I merely supplied the photographic memory. (Will provide the videos soon people! Just you wait...)

Till Day One readers!
I do. So has my Croatian uncle who is so uber-ly skilled with it(TRUTH). It's just got me thinking yesterday. Why are yo-yos no longer a trend? And so begins my story...

At the Easter show, my Dad bought the Coke show bag and inside it contained a yo-yo(plus many other things). Since then, said yo-yo has been in my brother's hand, constantly whirling up and down, up and down. I for one didn't notice whether he was playing with it incorrectly. You'd think that with yo-yos, so long as it comes back up into your palms you're fine. Wrong. Found that out from my uncle.

Ok, here's some background info on my uncle. Croatian, uses a gun; he goes somewhere every once in a while to go shoot some stuff...at the shooting range?hunting?I have absolutely no idea, plays First person shooters thus influencing his son; they're more along the lines of the Xbox and 360 with new-gen Nintendo Wii and Ds(and computer.Don't forgot the humble home computer)... and the fact that he's married to my aunty and they have two children.

So whats the connection here with uncle? Well we went to dinner yesterday at Grandparent's house and my brother happened to bring along his yo-yo, concentrating solely on the object. Uncle comes along and tells him he's playing with it wrong (HAH). That the technique was to 'flick it' not to 'drop it' down. Brother trialled uncle's way. Failed miserably. Uncle has a go. BAM!He was pro. Grinning, uncle continues to play with the yo-yo. He also told us (in a wise voice)
"See, video games don't teach you anything. Yo-yos teach you hand co-ordination! You could use your hands to win matches online but that's not real. Now this is real...*continues to play with the yo-yo, forever so pro*"

It just reminded me of back then. When we didn't have all these new technology that surpasses our hobbies. When back then we could just go home without the lure of the tv. Where it was
"Hey bring your digivice tomorrow to school yeahs?","Bring your cards! I wanna duel!" or our Beyblades and even Pokemon training "MWHUAHUA! I caught joo Pikachu!Kyaah!*lets out a pretend cry*". And no, not even these new things called Bakugan are up to our standards. Like what the hay?!

It's stupid really, and the thing that got rid of all these wholesome activities was games. That's right, games. Even I'm addicted to games (if I do admit myself) but at least I haven't forgotten the good times before games. I feel somewhat sorry for all the current generation of young ones, they don't have fond memories to gaze back upon. Well maybe they do, but I just can't seem to think of any... It was these simple 'toys' that encapsulated our minds, let our imagination grow.

That should be enough writing to suffice today's post, don't you think? Least to get the mind started for today. Which is Easter. So happy Easter everyone! Look out for my Easter post later on maybe? *Goes back to practising the yo-yo...Cos I suck bad with no skill whatsoever TWACK!...ahhh crap that hurts*
On Good Friday, the Phothisarn family traveled by train to the Olympic park for what event? Teh royal easter show of course. The one time event catering for all ages once a year during April's Easter school holiday break.

Now when someone goes to the Easter show, you'd expect them to return home with show bags galore! Well I came home with one: That Nintendo one. It's great value really (for $25), considering that you receive Ds accessories (screen protectors, case cover thingos that goes over your ds; it was white mind you and my ds is onyx, earphones and two extra stylus') ,sticker decorators, A4 clip folder..., A4 sleeve folder (yes there's a difference between the two), little plushie toy key chain...and that's about it. oh! Except for the fact that a Mario backpack was also bundled with the show bag but it wasn't available today. What we just had to do instead was write our details onto a sheet of paper; nothing more, nothing less and it will be mailed to us. Hopefully. Brother got Pc powerplay for 15 bucks and Dad got the Coke show bag for an unknown price.

Hmmm... what else... I'll let my photography do the talking.

I saw ninjas there:

When we were lining up for the ride.

That ride that he's staring at was one that I went on with brother, and farrrr out it was bloody awesome :D you sit in these cars and it spins forward fast and faster then it slows down and goes backward faster and it feels like you're upside down. Tickets for rides are expensive though, even if it's 1 dollar = one ticket. It takes about 7 tickets(a person!) just for this ride.

I had delicious waffles (expensive again)..and might I say, the dude who served me my waffles was cute looking ^^

I also bought Fairy floss (for four bucks a bag i tell you!) because I can. Not necessarily from this shop though.

and yeaaaahs... Easter show overall is overly priced (like c'mon foods ranging in the 7 to 20 bucks!), the rides were fun even though I went with my family; if you were to go with friends the fun-factor will escalate through the roof, mmmm show bags were good, the attractions on show were also amazing ^^. I'm glad I attended this year, even if the only reason we luckily went was because relatives from overseas came down to Australia. The Easter show's atmosphere was so full of hype and thrill, I wanna go back already. But instead, I shall browse through my new found memories of the Easter show and let the rest of New South Wales enjoy their time with family and friends this Easter Holidays. I know I already have and it's just the start of these two weeks.

oh! I also bought a hat for 25 bucks and two dresses for $20, plus a bookmark for $4.50 since this stall had really wonderful art...pics can come later. KIDS: The Easter show is DESIGNED to empty your parent's wallet, it's the way of life!


P.s Don't mind the photography spam...not bothered to put up onto facebook (quality is crap) or my da (quality is high but meh) :D enjoy!

heheh OM-MOO-LET!geddit geddit?! *goes into a laughing fit*

calligraphy section from the craft show.

paintings..so many wonderful paintings....

I also went on that ride and whoosh! it was such an awesome experience being up so high...

This was in line while waiting for this ride toos. Heck waiting for so long on rides! What a bore! But to be expected of course.

Maybe I will :D

Facebook is drug. by ~tofusensei on deviantART THIS was also at the Easter show, uploaded onto my da( clickey click!) from the cake section within the craft show.

Ok gamers can you guess this game for this week?

In keeping with the release of FF13 a few weeks ago and everyone gone FF mad, the hint is that it's an RPG game...that's not much of a hint