Sorry fellow followers of mine, I know I haven't posted in a while but might as well jot some nifty points about what's been occupying me these past few days. Better than nothing, I guess. Providing some pictures as well.
Thursday: Went shopping at city with friends on. Always a good thing, besides losing all my money...Plus I also bought the Phoenix Wright Art Book ( I walked into Galaxy world at Market city expecting that I use some money, but noooo. Nothing. Zilch.Nada. Not a penny at all to play arcade games, and I'm blaming my friends.

The converse store at Market city. I wanted those chucks so badly! (The only shoes I wear and collect are chucks..yeahs call me weird.)D: The texture was sorta like fur? If only I didn't buy a book.At the end of the day, my dad told me he was going to give me fifty bucks to spend but I left the house earlier with mum...Dang it.

We also took heaps of caps! I mean HEAPS!(like three machines heaps!)...which is money gone again.

Why oh why?!...hmm what else. Ate at Ice cube, Darling Harbour for lunch. The sea gulls were addicted to us...farh out they wouldn't leave us in peace..because someone kept feeding em.

(I like my pepper spice :D)$ 10 that was. Oh! I also had cold rock ice cream; bubblegum with chocolate freckles mixed in..mmmm.

A lovely tour of the Lindt chocolate cafe by Winnie..mmm divine.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday: Celebrated Laos New year with family and all other people at the festival at Bonnyrigg temple. Got to see Manoh and Eric again so that was pretty cool. Sa bai dee pee mai lao ~

the only one where I'm visible that I'm putting up :D

My little cousin Nicholas( he nearly beat me in chess!) sticking this..thingo in the sand dune. I smelled like incense from that.

All the pretty guys and girls (well technically it was the crowning of 'Nang Sankhane' and her six sisters) But yeahs...these people..were celebrated?special? I can't explain in English. They danced all the way around the temple and out here.

The band that followed. Banging on the drums. Normal people also danced behind them.Such a familiar, joyous atmosphere..

These were dancers in front of the band and dancers.If that makes any sense...
Friday: Traveled to Parramatta to get my braces.. They suck. Badly. But I'm slowly coping.
And yeeeaaahs...That's whats been happening in the middle of my holidays. Interesting? Highly, but then again its the holidays :D. I hope you guys are having as much fun as I am. Cos now its time to go back to doing holiday homework.( maybe after editing this overdue rockband video)
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