I do. So has my Croatian uncle who is so uber-ly skilled with it(TRUTH). It's just got me thinking yesterday. Why are yo-yos no longer a trend? And so begins my story...
At the Easter show, my Dad bought the Coke show bag and inside it contained a yo-yo(plus many other things). Since then, said yo-yo has been in my brother's hand, constantly whirling up and down, up and down. I for one didn't notice whether he was playing with it incorrectly. You'd think that with yo-yos, so long as it comes back up into your palms you're fine. Wrong. Found that out from my uncle.
Ok, here's some background info on my uncle. Croatian, uses a gun; he goes somewhere every once in a while to go shoot some stuff...at the shooting range?hunting?I have absolutely no idea, plays First person shooters thus influencing his son; they're more along the lines of the Xbox and 360 with new-gen Nintendo Wii and Ds(and computer.Don't forgot the humble home computer)... and the fact that he's married to my aunty and they have two children.
So whats the connection here with uncle? Well we went to dinner yesterday at Grandparent's house and my brother happened to bring along his yo-yo, concentrating solely on the object. Uncle comes along and tells him he's playing with it wrong (HAH). That the technique was to 'flick it' not to 'drop it' down. Brother trialled uncle's way. Failed miserably. Uncle has a go. BAM!He was pro. Grinning, uncle continues to play with the yo-yo. He also told us (in a wise voice) "See, video games don't teach you anything. Yo-yos teach you hand co-ordination! You could use your hands to win matches online but that's not real. Now this is real...*continues to play with the yo-yo, forever so pro*"
It just reminded me of back then. When we didn't have all these new technology that surpasses our hobbies. When back then we could just go home without the lure of the tv. Where it was "Hey bring your digivice tomorrow to school yeahs?","Bring your cards! I wanna duel!" or our Beyblades and even Pokemon training "MWHUAHUA! I caught joo Pikachu!Kyaah!*lets out a pretend cry*". And no, not even these new things called Bakugan are up to our standards. Like what the hay?!
It's stupid really, and the thing that got rid of all these wholesome activities was games. That's right, games. Even I'm addicted to games (if I do admit myself) but at least I haven't forgotten the good times before games. I feel somewhat sorry for all the current generation of young ones, they don't have fond memories to gaze back upon. Well maybe they do, but I just can't seem to think of any... It was these simple 'toys' that encapsulated our minds, let our imagination grow.
That should be enough writing to suffice today's post, don't you think? Least to get the mind started for today. Which is Easter. So happy Easter everyone! Look out for my Easter post later on maybe? *Goes back to practising the yo-yo...Cos I suck bad with no skill whatsoever TWACK!...ahhh crap that hurts*
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