I think I'll just leave this picture here...Thanks again Jared!
Whelps. Its time to pack my bag. Time to regain an early sleeping pattern(hopefully).Go back into this daily routine known as SCHOOL. *Sigh* My holidays were quite fun too...Just like what the good sir Jared mentioned down there. Good times had and spent.
I'm not really bothered to type anything up (agains. Dejavu of the previous holidays before term one hey?) It is going to be school in a few hours. School...when my days goes back into set hours and things to do, when I'm not lazing about anymores, when I can't play my games... CAN'T PLAY MY GAMES NO MORE?! Ridiculous! D: But it's the utter truth. For eleven weeks as well. Plus this time it's going to get harder, much harder. Grrrreaat.
Am I going to break under pressure? Hope not. Am I going to make new everlasting memories? Hmmm I'd like to. I want to do better this term. I know I will( hopefully) T______T But you know what makes every school term fly by? Friends. They'll be here for me... least I think they will. If not, then..well expect nothing in return from me. That's how the world works sorry.
*Sigh* Goodbye my blog, games...GAAAMMMES D: . I gotta get my head in the game*sorry HSM reference...O_O dang nab it, I'm hallucinating*. YAH! *headdesk*...Actually, I'll be on SEMI-HIATUS. Much better...this time I'm not dissapearing.
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