Soo... to start off. Stoopid asians are stoopid. Stoopid asian old men who bump into cars resulting in a bumper car crash is stoopid. All in all they just tick me off.
Hmm what else... why can't there just be one brand of milk huh? farh out. It will, in my opinion, seriously stop all the excess money going into buying a ...bottle? well a litre of milk and then you come home to open the fridge to store away the new bought milk to find another litre in there. AND A DIFFERENT BRAND TOO.. geeez
Songs too! The people for bing lee and... some other people in shops too, I forgot nows, but how they use songs old old songs for their ad. Which annoys me as well. As to why couldn't they be creative and create their own songs to use insteada copying old tunes and jingles and tweaking it just a tad here and there to make it their own. All in all it should be plaigarism isn't it? But I guess not since they'd pay the songs owners first to be allowed the use the song to their liking.
Ah wells.. oh and did you hear? I spent over 20 bucks on pocky on my trip to Parramatta. Maybe I'll be bothered to take pics of em all when I do collect them all. I mean, theres heaps a plenty.
ZOMG AGAINS..== What about me.. Man, it wasn't even Shannon Noll's song. Hm :|
But uhm.. I think that should be all I should blog for now hahahs I'm so not bothered nemore..
Bye allll! till next time yo~
Hmm what else... why can't there just be one brand of milk huh? farh out. It will, in my opinion, seriously stop all the excess money going into buying a ...bottle? well a litre of milk and then you come home to open the fridge to store away the new bought milk to find another litre in there. AND A DIFFERENT BRAND TOO.. geeez
Songs too! The people for bing lee and... some other people in shops too, I forgot nows, but how they use songs old old songs for their ad. Which annoys me as well. As to why couldn't they be creative and create their own songs to use insteada copying old tunes and jingles and tweaking it just a tad here and there to make it their own. All in all it should be plaigarism isn't it? But I guess not since they'd pay the songs owners first to be allowed the use the song to their liking.
Ah wells.. oh and did you hear? I spent over 20 bucks on pocky on my trip to Parramatta. Maybe I'll be bothered to take pics of em all when I do collect them all. I mean, theres heaps a plenty.
ZOMG AGAINS..== What about me.. Man, it wasn't even Shannon Noll's song. Hm :|
But uhm.. I think that should be all I should blog for now hahahs I'm so not bothered nemore..
Bye allll! till next time yo~
FINISHING THE DAMN GAMES I ACTUALLY WANNA GET INTO AND FINISH..(like persay i made up that list last time, remember remember? aye? AYEEEE?!)
but yeahs. that is all. NOOB
end rant/

Just a little something I wrote, hope you enjoy!
There they sat, on an early August day. Knowing the impact this decision had, they went hand in hand, and took a leap of faith.
He had just met her, on one summer's day in January. Sweaty palms and oily hair, he was introduced to her by a mutual friend. Though not in person (for that was to come later), he was quite intrigued by this girl. No apprehension, or fear; he was comfortable with her, even when he couldn't be comfortable with himself.
She was different, for she had known about him for longer than expected. Always looking at him from a distance, he spoke to her without saying any words. She knew he was different, not like other boys. The boy with unkempt hair, and the untucked shirt, who's brain was filled with thoughts of video games and music.
They didn't know it, but their fates would soon be intertwined.
Later that month, they finally met each other in person at an art gallery. Hitting it off, they soon grew to become closer and closer. A trip to the library, or a game of tekken between the two, where competitiveness was the order of the day, it was never a dull affair between them.
And although events threatened to fracture their friendship, it was ultimately a case of triumph through adversity, where the girl, had managed to work up the courage to speak once more. The boy, knowing he felt the same way, took the opportunity to be something new, to start a life he had previously been afraid of.
And there they sat, on an early August day. Hand in hand, ready to take a leap of faith.
There they sat, on an early August day. Knowing the impact this decision had, they went hand in hand, and took a leap of faith.
He had just met her, on one summer's day in January. Sweaty palms and oily hair, he was introduced to her by a mutual friend. Though not in person (for that was to come later), he was quite intrigued by this girl. No apprehension, or fear; he was comfortable with her, even when he couldn't be comfortable with himself.
She was different, for she had known about him for longer than expected. Always looking at him from a distance, he spoke to her without saying any words. She knew he was different, not like other boys. The boy with unkempt hair, and the untucked shirt, who's brain was filled with thoughts of video games and music.
They didn't know it, but their fates would soon be intertwined.
Later that month, they finally met each other in person at an art gallery. Hitting it off, they soon grew to become closer and closer. A trip to the library, or a game of tekken between the two, where competitiveness was the order of the day, it was never a dull affair between them.
And although events threatened to fracture their friendship, it was ultimately a case of triumph through adversity, where the girl, had managed to work up the courage to speak once more. The boy, knowing he felt the same way, took the opportunity to be something new, to start a life he had previously been afraid of.
And there they sat, on an early August day. Hand in hand, ready to take a leap of faith.
Lately I've been noticing the moments
Where I'm staring up at the ceiling
Or my head is tilted against the pressure of the water
Coming out of the shower.
Where my only companions
Are my thoughts
Taking me away some place else
Everywhere and nowhere
Running away, coming back.
Where I'm staring up at the ceiling
Or my head is tilted against the pressure of the water
Coming out of the shower.
Where my only companions
Are my thoughts
Taking me away some place else
Everywhere and nowhere
Running away, coming back.
I'm looking out the window
There's two buildings, one much taller than the other.
I'd go into detail about what the buildings look like.
But I'm tired.
I'm really tired...
There's two buildings, one much taller than the other.
I'd go into detail about what the buildings look like.
But I'm tired.
I'm really tired...
Tonight we'll dread the prospect of year 12
Be afraid of failing, of not being able to live up to expectations
and not achieving the mark we wanted.
We'll fall asleep at 3 in the morning, because our sleep patterns are screwed.
And because we're thinking of a past we won't have, and a future we don't want.
But we'll wake up, all those years ago.
So tiny, and so naive.
And ready to face the day once more.
This was done in the lead up to my birthday, a little overdue seeing as how my bday was almost a month ago but I feel like contributing to this blog...
9 minutes - only yesterday I was counting down to my 16th Birthday. SItting around, watching the clock idly. OOh wait I was playing Arkham Asylum. I just finished it. Checked my facebook
8 minutes - looked around, plenty has changed. My room is messy, I'm a day closer to prelim exams. I've studied, will it work? I don't know anymore, we'll just have to wait and see.
7 minutes - waiting for another movie to go on SBS. Some kind of victorian period movie. I dunno, that's me making an assumption, it could be like they went back in time and had to conform to that society. They're
6 minutes - Can hear brother sniffing on the comp. Sister sleeping, dad snoring. Talking to my loved one on MSN. What's to become of me when I'm 17? I guess I'll know in
5 minutes - 300 seconds now. Counting down. Why am I doing this? I guess it's some sort of ritual i perform when I'm waiting for a big event. Christmas, new years, other people's birthdays. CELEBRATIONS! I don't know what to write, I'll
4 minutes - I've still got a cold from a few weeks ago. I wish it would just go away, GO AWAY. I'm still waiting for that movie, the tv guide said 11:50, unless I was on saturday, and today's friday. I might've made that mistake oh well…back to nonsense blabber
3 minutes - my stomach feels odd. I don't know why. I don't think that movie will be on, oh well. My room's messy, a super nintendo with Killer Instinct in it. I think my brother was playing it. I'm on my mac, a new one, not the one I had last year. Year 10,
2 minutes - 120 seconds. A Master Chief figurine splayed out on my chair. I'm sitting here in my room, on my trusty chair. Sometimes it hurts my back, but it's an alright chair nonetheless. Time goes by fast.
1 minute - 60 seconds. I count 60 seconds in the shower before I force myself to get out. Time's gone fast, and my life is not the same it was last year. Goodbye 16 year old jared, someone new is moving in, goodbye, cya, goodnight, good afternoon, good morning. Good bye.
9 minutes - only yesterday I was counting down to my 16th Birthday. SItting around, watching the clock idly. OOh wait I was playing Arkham Asylum. I just finished it. Checked my facebook
8 minutes - looked around, plenty has changed. My room is messy, I'm a day closer to prelim exams. I've studied, will it work? I don't know anymore, we'll just have to wait and see.
7 minutes - waiting for another movie to go on SBS. Some kind of victorian period movie. I dunno, that's me making an assumption, it could be like they went back in time and had to conform to that society. They're
6 minutes - Can hear brother sniffing on the comp. Sister sleeping, dad snoring. Talking to my loved one on MSN. What's to become of me when I'm 17? I guess I'll know in
5 minutes - 300 seconds now. Counting down. Why am I doing this? I guess it's some sort of ritual i perform when I'm waiting for a big event. Christmas, new years, other people's birthdays. CELEBRATIONS! I don't know what to write, I'll
4 minutes - I've still got a cold from a few weeks ago. I wish it would just go away, GO AWAY. I'm still waiting for that movie, the tv guide said 11:50, unless I was on saturday, and today's friday. I might've made that mistake oh well…back to nonsense blabber
3 minutes - my stomach feels odd. I don't know why. I don't think that movie will be on, oh well. My room's messy, a super nintendo with Killer Instinct in it. I think my brother was playing it. I'm on my mac, a new one, not the one I had last year. Year 10,
2 minutes - 120 seconds. A Master Chief figurine splayed out on my chair. I'm sitting here in my room, on my trusty chair. Sometimes it hurts my back, but it's an alright chair nonetheless. Time goes by fast.
1 minute - 60 seconds. I count 60 seconds in the shower before I force myself to get out. Time's gone fast, and my life is not the same it was last year. Goodbye 16 year old jared, someone new is moving in, goodbye, cya, goodnight, good afternoon, good morning. Good bye.
Oh god I'm bored, after such an epic day I've faded into a pattern of outright boredness. That sentence doesn't even make sense, but I DON'T CARE BECAUSE IM BORED AND HUNGRY!!!
So what's been happening? Well it's been holidays, the last real holidays, not those faux holidays that are coming up, freaking HSC and all it's evils it brings.
So I guess I've been trying to make the most of these last real holidays before I'm forced to sink my head into a whole bunch of textbooks that'll make my brain EXPLODE!!
So while the first few days of the holidays were alright (failed gaming marathons on Halo and Dead Space), Thursday really picked up when I went on my first date with the other person who runs this blog, i.e. Selina! We went to Sushi Bay, and despite reading bad reviews it was actually pretty good! Would've liked to eat without having to worry about money but I guess that's what happens when I'm too lazy to get off my bum and find a job. We then met up with Franjo and hung around him for a bit before he had to leave, then went to search for Joe's present (totoro keyring ftb), and ended the day in the library! The day would've been much longer had EA decided not to pull the plug on the Medal of Honor preview session Selina and I both won (first thing I won and it ends up getting canceled, just cruel!) But for a date I'd probably give it a 11/10!
Then the next day we had Joe's party! That was pretty sick as it felt like I hadn't seen most of them in a while (damn exams) but yeah definitely a whole lot of fun. WOULDA LIKED IT IF SOMEONE DECIDED TO DANCE WITH ME but oh well in time we shall waltz! Unfortunately the same person had to leave early, and I would've enjoyed watching REC with her, which ended up freaking out pretty much everyone (including Franjo, and if something scares Franjo you know it's scary)
HAPPY 2 MONTHS!! Unfortunately we didn't get to celebrate on the actual day but last minute planning saw her coming to Newtown to hang out with me! YAY FUN TIMES! We went to Happy Chef, and she slurped on some LAKSA! Which looks pretty damn tasty! Then I took her back to the apartment, and we hung out which is always fun! Played some Lylat wars ("I wanna play co-op but I don't know how!), then I took her around Newtown, and she ended up spending monies on a tshirt, suspenders and awesome red headphones (apparently I look like Neku when I wear it! YAY!). She also bought some Fried Ice Cream and shared it with me (thanks my love!)
Unfortunately, she had to leave Newtown (*sadface*) and I was left in Newtown by myself once more. Which is where I find myself now, bored, and nothing to eat! SOMEONE COME HOME AND BRING ME SOME HAPPY CHEF *cries*
REMEMBER ME?! I'm Jared, and I used to post here. This is my first post in a looong time, let's make it a more regular occurrence yeah?
Oh god I'm bored, after such an epic day I've faded into a pattern of outright boredness. That sentence doesn't even make sense, but I DON'T CARE BECAUSE IM BORED AND HUNGRY!!!
So what's been happening? Well it's been holidays, the last real holidays, not those faux holidays that are coming up, freaking HSC and all it's evils it brings.
So I guess I've been trying to make the most of these last real holidays before I'm forced to sink my head into a whole bunch of textbooks that'll make my brain EXPLODE!!
So while the first few days of the holidays were alright (failed gaming marathons on Halo and Dead Space), Thursday really picked up when I went on my first date with the other person who runs this blog, i.e. Selina! We went to Sushi Bay, and despite reading bad reviews it was actually pretty good! Would've liked to eat without having to worry about money but I guess that's what happens when I'm too lazy to get off my bum and find a job. We then met up with Franjo and hung around him for a bit before he had to leave, then went to search for Joe's present (totoro keyring ftb), and ended the day in the library! The day would've been much longer had EA decided not to pull the plug on the Medal of Honor preview session Selina and I both won (first thing I won and it ends up getting canceled, just cruel!) But for a date I'd probably give it a 11/10!
Then the next day we had Joe's party! That was pretty sick as it felt like I hadn't seen most of them in a while (damn exams) but yeah definitely a whole lot of fun. WOULDA LIKED IT IF SOMEONE DECIDED TO DANCE WITH ME but oh well in time we shall waltz! Unfortunately the same person had to leave early, and I would've enjoyed watching REC with her, which ended up freaking out pretty much everyone (including Franjo, and if something scares Franjo you know it's scary)
HAPPY 2 MONTHS!! Unfortunately we didn't get to celebrate on the actual day but last minute planning saw her coming to Newtown to hang out with me! YAY FUN TIMES! We went to Happy Chef, and she slurped on some LAKSA! Which looks pretty damn tasty! Then I took her back to the apartment, and we hung out which is always fun! Played some Lylat wars ("I wanna play co-op but I don't know how!), then I took her around Newtown, and she ended up spending monies on a tshirt, suspenders and awesome red headphones (apparently I look like Neku when I wear it! YAY!). She also bought some Fried Ice Cream and shared it with me (thanks my love!)
Unfortunately, she had to leave Newtown (*sadface*) and I was left in Newtown by myself once more. Which is where I find myself now, bored, and nothing to eat! SOMEONE COME HOME AND BRING ME SOME HAPPY CHEF *cries*
REMEMBER ME?! I'm Jared, and I used to post here. This is my first post in a looong time, let's make it a more regular occurrence yeah?
Heeeeeeeeeyo friggin overdue post of mine...I finally decide to write after how long? Hmmm let's see.... I went out to the city on Tuesday first week. It is now...Saturday of first week.Greeeeat, the holidays are going by fast D:
Now here's a short summary of that Tuesday:
We had karaoke at chinatown, twas fun. It I forgot the name now hahahs sorta shabbyish, going into the place, not good quality or rather there was a lack of food on sale. erm..We were assigned a room, with two mics for two peeps and they had tambourines! Ahah! Now I remember the place...It was called Show?..I think hahahas But yeahs they had English,Korean songs, jap songs, anime songs..wooooo! but it had no romanji D: SO HOW THE HELL DO YOU EXPECT ME TO SING ALONG HUH?! We had to input the number of the specific song via a confusing remote but yeahs it was an alright first karaoke experience for me.
Affffter that we..well actually before karaoke we met up at capitol building for caps!That was fun as well. Before I met up with Tomo at..erh that was the assigned time, we actually met at 12? O_O Oh yeeeahs! I also saw a heap of people I knew at city such ass: Lena with her friends Valerie and Alice sitting outside of Galaxy World Market City, Dannieh as I was hurrying to meet Tomo at Caps..he kept staring at me Dx, Joelle as she was going into Galaxy World George street annnnnd Sarah?...well I forgot her name but a girl that was in my group at the Siemens Science experience at Usyd last year.
When you think of the city you'd know that there is a Chinatown right? Of course! That's the heart of all things Asian and.... exotic. Plus kpop,jpop, anime and dramas galore in our favourite cd shop thats overly priced. But have you ever thought of Thaitown? Heh uh nah probably not, but's on the outskirts of chinatown, bordering the capitol building...I think. There was a shop that had a tv outside playing my favourite thai show xDD So it was pretty cool that the shop did that.
Tomo bought croquettes for lunch as well hahahs and I sorta asked if it was good in front of the shop owners while she was buying it...>.> whoops my bad.
Hmmm I also played Djmax :D with my card finally jizzed up...Not in that way, I finally activated it online after I bought it a loooong time ago for six bucks at Galaxy world George st. So yeahs I'm in the ranking now...pretty low though cause I'm so noob hahas.
Yeeeeeah for catching the train to city by myself. Before that, I had to catch a bus to Cabra station and more or less I realised something. True blue Aussies are all friendly to each other no matter who the other person is. An example of this was when I caught the bus to Cabra station(yeahs shoosh I just repeated the first sentence) There was a little kid who got on sat at the back regardless of his parents sitting in the front. Anyways, another kid boards the bus with the rest of his family at the front as well. He sits at the back. Says hi. And as as easy as that them two becomes friends if only for a short while. It started with a simple Hi, then a returning Hello~ Where are you going today? Oh I'm going to the aquarium..*sigh* Such bliss..Just like back in primary school. Hey do you want to play with me? Yeah sure *hold hands*
Oh yeahs~ That also remind me of the hobo look a like who also caught the bus. He had a trolley though so he had to make his way to the back. He sat down and smiled at the two little kids. He asked: " If you're lost in the bush, do you know what to do? You keep running? No, You yell KUUUUEEI!(that whistle for all you none Australians)*grins*"
On other news~>
1. Happy two months my love <3 =3
2.My aunty is still in hospital and won't be discharged until Tuesday.
3.My other aunty from Melbourne has come over for a week to take care of of her sister.
5..oh. and my group :S I'll do a rant about them later I guess...==
VOOOOOILA~! Fin. For now ;D Still gotta talk about my first date and Joe's birthday xDD
Now here's a short summary of that Tuesday:
We had karaoke at chinatown, twas fun. It I forgot the name now hahahs sorta shabbyish, going into the place, not good quality or rather there was a lack of food on sale. erm..We were assigned a room, with two mics for two peeps and they had tambourines! Ahah! Now I remember the place...It was called Show?..I think hahahas But yeahs they had English,Korean songs, jap songs, anime songs..wooooo! but it had no romanji D: SO HOW THE HELL DO YOU EXPECT ME TO SING ALONG HUH?! We had to input the number of the specific song via a confusing remote but yeahs it was an alright first karaoke experience for me.
Tomo bought croquettes for lunch as well hahahs and I sorta asked if it was good in front of the shop owners while she was buying it...>.> whoops my bad.
Hmmm I also played Djmax :D with my card finally jizzed up...Not in that way, I finally activated it online after I bought it a loooong time ago for six bucks at Galaxy world George st. So yeahs I'm in the ranking now...pretty low though cause I'm so noob hahas.
Yeeeeeah for catching the train to city by myself. Before that, I had to catch a bus to Cabra station and more or less I realised something. True blue Aussies are all friendly to each other no matter who the other person is. An example of this was when I caught the bus to Cabra station(yeahs shoosh I just repeated the first sentence) There was a little kid who got on sat at the back regardless of his parents sitting in the front. Anyways, another kid boards the bus with the rest of his family at the front as well. He sits at the back. Says hi. And as as easy as that them two becomes friends if only for a short while. It started with a simple Hi, then a returning Hello~ Where are you going today? Oh I'm going to the aquarium..*sigh* Such bliss..Just like back in primary school. Hey do you want to play with me? Yeah sure *hold hands*
Oh yeahs~ That also remind me of the hobo look a like who also caught the bus. He had a trolley though so he had to make his way to the back. He sat down and smiled at the two little kids. He asked: " If you're lost in the bush, do you know what to do? You keep running? No, You yell KUUUUEEI!(that whistle for all you none Australians)*grins*"
1. Happy two months my love <3 =3
2.My aunty is still in hospital and won't be discharged until Tuesday.
3.My other aunty from Melbourne has come over for a week to take care of of her sister.
5..oh. and my group :S I'll do a rant about them later I guess...==
VOOOOOILA~! Fin. For now ;D Still gotta talk about my first date and Joe's birthday xDD
Well....I'm doooooooooone! Finally. Thank the heavens D: Farh mangs the book took so long to read, but you know what? Now I wanna buy the book in kino.Since it's cheaper you bastards at Borders. So yeahs, I finished reading it while in the hospital sitting next to my aunty.
And well on that aunty is in hospital. Yeaps. In the ESSU section..which is the Emergency short stay unit me thinks? The atmosphere of the hospital nearly made me burst into tears D: For one thing to play games such as trauma center (NUUUUU TO ACTIVISION?....closing down? D:) then go into real life hospitals and find your relative laying on bed. With machines making their clunking. Beep.Beep.Beep...*snore*. The guy next door to her was snoring loud assss. I could handle the serene silence for the few hours I stayed next to her bed but to think about just laying there for the whole day, 24 hours in a day it's a bit sad and depressing don't you think?
I mean like c'mon. You have nothing to do. Unlike other hospital bedrooms you'd have a tv but the ESSU doesn't have anything at all. One thing that I think kept my aunty sane from the deathly thoughts is us. She would always have at least one person besides her. Which, in my opinion, find good. Since that means that we'll always be beside her no matter what. Thick and thin. For crying out loud, for someone in their late 40's to go into shock to go hospital, whose a) not married :| b) NOR had a loving person with her apart from family...
oh! :D and one last thing~~~~~~~>Here it gaming marathon on flOw for the PS3. Started at 23:38 Saturday September 25th to Sunday September 26th 1:11am<~~~~YEAH MANGS! imma be a trophy whore heh.
Sayonara till my next post! *bows off*
And well on that aunty is in hospital. Yeaps. In the ESSU section..which is the Emergency short stay unit me thinks? The atmosphere of the hospital nearly made me burst into tears D: For one thing to play games such as trauma center (NUUUUU TO ACTIVISION?....closing down? D:) then go into real life hospitals and find your relative laying on bed. With machines making their clunking. Beep.Beep.Beep...*snore*. The guy next door to her was snoring loud assss. I could handle the serene silence for the few hours I stayed next to her bed but to think about just laying there for the whole day, 24 hours in a day it's a bit sad and depressing don't you think?
I mean like c'mon. You have nothing to do. Unlike other hospital bedrooms you'd have a tv but the ESSU doesn't have anything at all. One thing that I think kept my aunty sane from the deathly thoughts is us. She would always have at least one person besides her. Which, in my opinion, find good. Since that means that we'll always be beside her no matter what. Thick and thin. For crying out loud, for someone in their late 40's to go into shock to go hospital, whose a) not married :| b) NOR had a loving person with her apart from family...
oh! :D and one last thing~~~~~~~>Here it gaming marathon on flOw for the PS3. Started at 23:38 Saturday September 25th to Sunday September 26th 1:11am<~~~~YEAH MANGS! imma be a trophy whore heh.
Sayonara till my next post! *bows off*
Oh look I have a hole in my sock..There's a hole in the bucket Elijah, Elijah. hahahs uhmm....weeeeell oh. BACK TO BLOGGING BABEH! But that it's holiday time, i wiill...hmm. First off: to read this whole damn manga..
'Azumanga Daioh' printed by Omnibus which contains 680 pages. Yeahs. SIX HUNDRED AND EIGHTY PAGES BETCH. erm...brb~! :D so yeaps. next blog post will be after i get this manga done. ok.good. BEEEE RIGHT BACK.
キタ(IT'S HERE!)━━━━━━━━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━!!!!!
Oh look I have a hole in my sock..There's a hole in the bucket Elijah, Elijah. hahahs uhmm....weeeeell oh. BACK TO BLOGGING BABEH! But that it's holiday time, i wiill...hmm. First off: to read this whole damn manga..

キタ(IT'S HERE!)━━━━━━━━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━!!!!!
- Listening to: thirsty meeeerc ftw
- Reading: azumanga daioh mega manga
- Watching: bro playing god of war 3
- Playing: uhm...hmmm...not yet decided.
- Eating: i think theres chicken tonight. and pork cutlets?
- Drinking: free sprite from eric :D and iced coffee
Today I took a nap and had a dream. This is how it goes:
(Well the remnants of it..I can hardly remember it now...)
...whatta waste of a post...oh. and I hate daylight savings == faaaarh out.
(Well the remnants of it..I can hardly remember it now...)
...whatta waste of a post...oh. and I hate daylight savings == faaaarh out.
Not in Beauty and the beast there isn't one!
Hi again fellow readers! It is I! HA HA!!*goes into an epic stance*..Yeahs erm..pardon for this festivity of a beginning hahas After watching Beauty and the Beast it's got me a little bit happy I suppose?
EDIT!!*After say...a few days?xD*
HELLLLLLOOOS!I'm back again and it is midnight and I cant be bothered finishing my Bio assignment so I decide to finish these draft posts of mine instead.
So why was I happy there? Weeeell I finished watching Beauty and the Beast and might I say it was a mighty fine movie. One of the best Disney movies yet.
Now I'll explain these three pics before I head off for a snooze.
NUMBER ONE! Of Barack Obama wielding a light saber. Do you think it's real? I think it's real. I was searching up...Oh dear, what was I searching up? :| forgot nows. Something to do with epic.
Which leads me to the next picture!
NUMBER TWO!Of...this tennis player HAHAHAHAHAHS!! I think I was on that hype of mine and searched up epic or victory stance. A point to the person who names the player.
And last but not least.
NUMBER THREE! Of...of..two guys playing SNES? And...GUESS THE GAME ON THAT SCREEN! Too hard for me really so Imma wait till someone takes that gamble.Awesome? Definitely. I wonder what I searched before hand though...totally forgot D:
Annnnnd Goodnight yaaa'lll!*shuffles off screen*
P.S BOO YEAHS ONE POST DOWN! Now I needa get two more up..*nervous laugh*
Hi again fellow readers! It is I! HA HA!!*goes into an epic stance*..Yeahs erm..pardon for this festivity of a beginning hahas After watching Beauty and the Beast it's got me a little bit happy I suppose?
EDIT!!*After say...a few days?xD*
HELLLLLLOOOS!I'm back again and it is midnight and I cant be bothered finishing my Bio assignment so I decide to finish these draft posts of mine instead.
So why was I happy there? Weeeell I finished watching Beauty and the Beast and might I say it was a mighty fine movie. One of the best Disney movies yet.
Now I'll explain these three pics before I head off for a snooze.
Which leads me to the next picture!
And last but not least.
Annnnnd Goodnight yaaa'lll!*shuffles off screen*
P.S BOO YEAHS ONE POST DOWN! Now I needa get two more up..*nervous laugh*
Well; before I start my homework for these holidays, I decided to read volume 6 of Full Metal Alchemist. Halfway through, I stumbled upon this transcript within the manga and I thought I'd share it with you guys.
Alphonse: Remember when we talked about what would happen if we died here?
Edward: Uh- huh, and I said everyone would be sad.
Yeah, but that's a pretty self-centered way of looking at things. From a universal perspective, whether we live or die doesn't matter. The world will keep going as if nothing happened.
We're just a small insignificant part of the world aren't we?
Don't say small!!
Anyway... Once our lives are over, all that remains is our physical bodies.
Water, Carbon, Ammonia, Lime, Phosphorus, Sodium, Potassium...
Sulfur, Magnesium, Fluoride, Iron, Silicon, Manganese and Aluminum...right?
That's right. Our bodies are nothing but a composite of those and a few other basic elements.
Our fate is to be decomposed by bacteria and become nutrients for the plants.
And the plants become food for the herbivores...
And the herbivores become food for carnivores. This cycle goes on and on, even when we aren't aware of it.
...But whatever it's called, you and I are only a tiny part of that great flow.
One part of the whole.
But all those individual parts come together so that the whole can exist.
And the cycle keeps flowing because all of nature follows this fundamental law.
Alphonse: Remember when we talked about what would happen if we died here?
Edward: Uh- huh, and I said everyone would be sad.
Yeah, but that's a pretty self-centered way of looking at things. From a universal perspective, whether we live or die doesn't matter. The world will keep going as if nothing happened.
We're just a small insignificant part of the world aren't we?
Don't say small!!
Anyway... Once our lives are over, all that remains is our physical bodies.
Water, Carbon, Ammonia, Lime, Phosphorus, Sodium, Potassium...
Sulfur, Magnesium, Fluoride, Iron, Silicon, Manganese and Aluminum...right?
That's right. Our bodies are nothing but a composite of those and a few other basic elements.
Our fate is to be decomposed by bacteria and become nutrients for the plants.
And the plants become food for the herbivores...
And the herbivores become food for carnivores. This cycle goes on and on, even when we aren't aware of it.
...But whatever it's called, you and I are only a tiny part of that great flow.
One part of the whole.
But all those individual parts come together so that the whole can exist.
And the cycle keeps flowing because all of nature follows this fundamental law.
Understanding that flow, deconstructing and then reconstructing...
That's...The meaning of Alchemy.
So yeahs...pretty deep huh? It just gets me thinking, how cool it would be to actually practice alchemy, if it was still something students or privileged people can learn. To be able to do alchemy, something so magical.Equivalent exchange.
Maybe these are just a mere scientist's dream, maybe not. But I can understand where they are coming from....that's just one of the reasons why I love Fullmetal Alchemist. I am going to achieve my dream.I will and I can. Just you watch me.
*now to get back to work...D:*
*Yawn*....It is 12:17 in the morning, so what am I doing still awake and bothered to type up a blog post? Erm well, it is the Wimbledon finals between the two aforementioned in the title. Reading a commentary provided by a dear friend of mine, I have a feeling Nadal is going to win it this year anyways. Least Foxtel allows me to record TV for later viewing. Lucky aye?
So here I am just chilling out on my...third day of school holidays?(Well it's Monday morning right now) where I should be sleeping...but instead you find me on Msn, this blog, listening to music erh....nothing else productive really...unless you count the intarweb something useful.
Oh and might I make it clear that I absolutely detest slow internet?! Farh out, it is annoying as hell. I cant even get the page to load within a few minutes. IT GOES ON FOR LIKE AN HOUR!? Bloody hell!...D< I really,really hate it. The web works fine on my mac but for my normal comp?..Errrh wah? Sorry can you repeat that sentence? It's not going to reach the ears of my laptop for years. =/
Erm lets see what else I can rant on about..oh. I found a recipe for croquembouche day :D Which was from Masterchef. Which is reliable. Which is..yeahs. Some dates of my holidays have been swapped around, some plans I've dropped...why? Well let's just answer with this: It's the money issue.
I went out and bought my fabric for the moogle cosplay, along with my physics assignment needs. All that's left to do is narrow down the recipe for Emilee's cake, the Portal cake ( Seriously, I do not think this is real and if it was, it wouldn't be edible...I wouldn't trust GlaDos with my life.At all) and thats it I think...I have school work to do but i think I'll do that tomorrow..or later on today..I dunnos.
And I'm sorry to be a letdown everyone, but me thinks im not going to watch toy story 3 this holidays...yeahs the money issue. Plus...meh I dunnos. I could always be 'asian' and wait till someone gives it to me to watch. I know, such a shame I'm missing out, my generation has been waiting 11 years for the sequel.
*Now playing: Make love by Big bang~
Give me that happiness I get from you just being there
I always see you when I close my eyes, you’re on my mind
So can’t you see, I need you right here wit me, close by my side
I don't know if its wrong for me to say that I miss him,that I long for him. But I do, and no one can do a thing about it. It's just who we are. Humans are mechanised this way. Built from the beginning of time to operate like this..( I make us sound like robots ) But...*sigh* what can I do? Just live everyday as it comes. Try and suppress my lethargic self with a grin and shoulders up. I'll just leave this issue for now with a meh mood hmm? =D You readers can let your curiosity pique itself to try and figure out who this person may be.
Annnnd on that note I think I'll end today's post. I need to get things accomplished tomorrow; with fingers crossed, I can. I am a sleepyhead after all.
Till my next post followers, night all~
P.S finished at...1:20 am O_____O holy cow.
So here I am just chilling out on my...third day of school holidays?(Well it's Monday morning right now) where I should be sleeping...but instead you find me on Msn, this blog, listening to music erh....nothing else productive really...unless you count the intarweb something useful.
Oh and might I make it clear that I absolutely detest slow internet?! Farh out, it is annoying as hell. I cant even get the page to load within a few minutes. IT GOES ON FOR LIKE AN HOUR!? Bloody hell!...D< I really,really hate it. The web works fine on my mac but for my normal comp?..Errrh wah? Sorry can you repeat that sentence? It's not going to reach the ears of my laptop for years. =/
Erm lets see what else I can rant on about..oh. I found a recipe for croquembouche day :D Which was from Masterchef. Which is reliable. Which is..yeahs. Some dates of my holidays have been swapped around, some plans I've dropped...why? Well let's just answer with this: It's the money issue.
I went out and bought my fabric for the moogle cosplay, along with my physics assignment needs. All that's left to do is narrow down the recipe for Emilee's cake, the Portal cake ( Seriously, I do not think this is real and if it was, it wouldn't be edible...I wouldn't trust GlaDos with my life.At all) and thats it I think...I have school work to do but i think I'll do that tomorrow..or later on today..I dunnos.
And I'm sorry to be a letdown everyone, but me thinks im not going to watch toy story 3 this holidays...yeahs the money issue. Plus...meh I dunnos. I could always be 'asian' and wait till someone gives it to me to watch. I know, such a shame I'm missing out, my generation has been waiting 11 years for the sequel.
*Now playing: Make love by Big bang~
Give me that happiness I get from you just being there
I always see you when I close my eyes, you’re on my mind
So can’t you see, I need you right here wit me, close by my side
I don't know if its wrong for me to say that I miss him,that I long for him. But I do, and no one can do a thing about it. It's just who we are. Humans are mechanised this way. Built from the beginning of time to operate like this..( I make us sound like robots ) But...*sigh* what can I do? Just live everyday as it comes. Try and suppress my lethargic self with a grin and shoulders up. I'll just leave this issue for now with a meh mood hmm? =D You readers can let your curiosity pique itself to try and figure out who this person may be.
Annnnd on that note I think I'll end today's post. I need to get things accomplished tomorrow; with fingers crossed, I can. I am a sleepyhead after all.
Till my next post followers, night all~
P.S finished at...1:20 am O_____O holy cow.
Hello well wishers. Here I am, starting another holiday on a rather uneventful Saturday night. You know I'd keep it to Saturday but I added night because I had a rather wonderful day. Two very different things. Oh yeh I hugged the exec producer of neighbours, and she asked me what I was having for lunch oh yeh yeh!!! WOO!
Anyways, so what's been happening for the past 11 weeks? Assignments, debating and mock trial. Plus world cup and Roger Federer declining, HE'LL BE BACK. So here's what happened in a nutshell over the eleven weeks
- Got the MAC YEAH YEAH!!
- Debating and Mock Trial, Year eleven team congrats on winning the comp! Very proud! Special mention must go to someone who shall not be named saying that the kid on stage had a funny head, then his mum who happened to be sitting in front of us saying 'no he doesn't!' Oh fun times.
- Mary-Anne's birthday yipee! Fun times.
And a whole lot of other crazy stuff I can't remember. If I forgot something I'm sure Selina will use that as a reason to throw a boot at my head...OH YEAH!!
- Watched Summer Wars wit mah homies. Beat em up at Street Fighter 4, lost to bloody abel. Had fun overall. Wished I had an Arcade stick. If I had one I'd eat it.
- Became the first Female Prime Minister of Australia. GO ME!
- Fell in love with Super Street Fighter 4
So what have I got planned for these holidays? Well as mentioned in the previous post I'm going over Selina's house to a) play games and beat bayonetta in 3043 seconds and b) make some sort of tower contraption. then eat it. And I'm going to a celebration of a birthday, which shall be fun. Expect to see me in a box, or blood soaked raincoat. Yeah I don't know. I'd also be pumped for the wimbledon final tomorrow, but seeing as how Tomas 'Caw Caw' Berdych ruined the celebrations...yeah.
Anyway I think that's pretty much it for now, I shall bid you a farewell...
Wait I'm not done. You know what's really annoying? FF13. It's so boring it's annoying. I thought linear gameplay and mashing X was the worst of it, but then came Vanille.
Vanille is the worst character ever made. Everything about her is annoying. Her voice is annoying, the way she presents herself is annoying and the way she runs is annoying. Yes even the way she runs is annoying. It's like the business men at Square Enix bought a book 'How to be annoying. For dummies', and they somehow managed to cram everything that is annoying into vanille. Did I mention she's annoying?
Yes while I was playing I smelt something foul. I smelt the game, then I smelt my shoe. One had poo on the back of it. I'll let you figure out which one*
*FYI it was my shoe. I went to clean it out and had more fun doing that than playing FF13.
Anyways, so what's been happening for the past 11 weeks? Assignments, debating and mock trial. Plus world cup and Roger Federer declining, HE'LL BE BACK. So here's what happened in a nutshell over the eleven weeks
- Got the MAC YEAH YEAH!!
- Debating and Mock Trial, Year eleven team congrats on winning the comp! Very proud! Special mention must go to someone who shall not be named saying that the kid on stage had a funny head, then his mum who happened to be sitting in front of us saying 'no he doesn't!' Oh fun times.
- Mary-Anne's birthday yipee! Fun times.
And a whole lot of other crazy stuff I can't remember. If I forgot something I'm sure Selina will use that as a reason to throw a boot at my head...OH YEAH!!
- Watched Summer Wars wit mah homies. Beat em up at Street Fighter 4, lost to bloody abel. Had fun overall. Wished I had an Arcade stick. If I had one I'd eat it.
- Became the first Female Prime Minister of Australia. GO ME!
- Fell in love with Super Street Fighter 4
So what have I got planned for these holidays? Well as mentioned in the previous post I'm going over Selina's house to a) play games and beat bayonetta in 3043 seconds and b) make some sort of tower contraption. then eat it. And I'm going to a celebration of a birthday, which shall be fun. Expect to see me in a box, or blood soaked raincoat. Yeah I don't know. I'd also be pumped for the wimbledon final tomorrow, but seeing as how Tomas 'Caw Caw' Berdych ruined the celebrations...yeah.
Anyway I think that's pretty much it for now, I shall bid you a farewell...
Wait I'm not done. You know what's really annoying? FF13. It's so boring it's annoying. I thought linear gameplay and mashing X was the worst of it, but then came Vanille.
Vanille is the worst character ever made. Everything about her is annoying. Her voice is annoying, the way she presents herself is annoying and the way she runs is annoying. Yes even the way she runs is annoying. It's like the business men at Square Enix bought a book 'How to be annoying. For dummies', and they somehow managed to cram everything that is annoying into vanille. Did I mention she's annoying?
Yes while I was playing I smelt something foul. I smelt the game, then I smelt my shoe. One had poo on the back of it. I'll let you figure out which one*
*FYI it was my shoe. I went to clean it out and had more fun doing that than playing FF13.
Hello cyber citizens...mangs I haven't written to you guys in a loooong time.
So what do I have planned this holidays? let's see...(yeahs this might be difficult to read...bear with me)
OH!and grant is coming back this holiday? or next term? I dunnos...But Grant will be back! yaaaays finally..I miss him ><"
Till my next post these holidays.
So what do I have planned this holidays? let's see...(yeahs this might be difficult to read...bear with me)
- Gaming:(in no particular order)
- Bayonetta...This needs to be done and dusted and returned to it's rightful master.(Yeahs that's right,I called you a master)
- Final Fantasy XIII..Don't know if this is achievable but I am going to give it my best shot.
- Devil May cry 4...Yeahs another game that's long due it's completion date.
- Lil big planet
- Star ocean
- Valkyria Chronicles! Thanks for reminding me =3
- " " (will edit when I think of more games/complete the games)
- Homework..grrrr ==
- Chemistry..assignment and stuff
- Physics..exactly like chem ==
- Maths...==
- Religion
- Biology...
- " " ahh farh might as well say all my subjects have homework
- Croquembouche day with flobot3000 and Jared ^O^ yummy yum yum..
- Recipe, recipe where art thou recipe...hmmm
- Moogle cosplay wheeee~
- *insert picture here* :D
- Toy story 3..? I have no clue when I'm watching this.
- *whispers* apparently it's really good.
- Am I even still going to go city with the 'clan'...=/ Don't know...
- They are my friends...*sigh*Guys, wait up...please.
- Speaking about the city, I need to go city with Mary-anne..
- I promised her, and I never break my promises.Promise.
- Needa go Angela's house for lan party..Dofus here I come!
- Thanks for giving me pay to play subscription for a month! xD
- Gaming Marathon with Jared..
- Yeahs let's rip apart Bayonetta together!..and finally give it back to you.
- Sydney Fc vs Evertooooooooooon! whooo!
- Heh, Jealous? I know some people are....I wonder if i got good seats *ponders away*
- Another month, another dentist appointment yet agains...
- *still pondering* what colour nows hmm..hmm...
- Emilee's birthday...xD
- I get to cosplay zee beloved moogle..kupo~ <3
- AND bake her a cake..or two: honey honey honeeeeeycomb
OH!and grant is coming back this holiday? or next term? I dunnos...But Grant will be back! yaaaays finally..I miss him ><"
Till my next post these holidays.
<3~Kupo gotta love days where you can stay in your pj's for the whoooooooole day. Don't you reckon? Just so comfy and sleepy..oh so sleepy..ZZzz...
Speaking of sleeping....I woke up today looking around for cosplay stuff since I'm going to cosplay yet agains! In about 2 weeks time? I think, for a convention called Supanova.Then my dad tells me that we have Foxtel?...O_o It's weird,strange and yet cool in a way.And Xplay sucks. Thanks to you guys who made me think it was a good show...well it's alright I guess. It's probably just because I'm used to watching Good game which is an Australian show about gaming.Plus Good game has a more friendlier approach to deliver gaming, Xplay just..meh.
I think I'll make this post picture heavy.Just cause I can. Here's a little sneak peek at whats in store: Federer.Nadal.Cosplay. Ready? DO A BARREL ROLL!
The first cosplay I ever did that debuted at SMASH! and Animania Main 2009:Maggie Mui from ROD Read or dream tv I even vut m hair for her.heheh...One might wonder why I don't have many pictures of myself wearing this cosplay.That is because I kept running away from my friends asking for a photo.No way mangs =D But Lena eventually caught me.
...*plays pokemon battle music*...
My..second cosplay!Treecko! For a pokemon gijinka photoshoot in December of 2009. At...erh..centennial park in the city me thinks. Bought green chucks specially for him.Plus the fluro wig..O_o
INTERMISSION: Maidu Kicku! That's all for onto Rafa and Fed.
We all know that there's the victory dance or song or pose or..or...RAFAEL'S VICTORY THRUST! =D
annnnd you bring it up front! ^
hahahahahas...To rival Nadal, nothing gets hotter on the courts than Federer:
Mwhuhauhauhauhauhs =P Anyways, back to masterchef and re assignment! HUZZAH!
oh! before that.Me and my trusty companion Jared lost the kotaku comp D= But doesn't matter. Cause I'm quite proud of what I can muster up of anything, my imagination. So if my photography can put a smile on people's dial then I'm as joyous as they are -^^-
Night all~
Speaking of sleeping....I woke up today looking around for cosplay stuff since I'm going to cosplay yet agains! In about 2 weeks time? I think, for a convention called Supanova.Then my dad tells me that we have Foxtel?...O_o It's weird,strange and yet cool in a way.And Xplay sucks. Thanks to you guys who made me think it was a good show...well it's alright I guess. It's probably just because I'm used to watching Good game which is an Australian show about gaming.Plus Good game has a more friendlier approach to deliver gaming, Xplay just..meh.
I think I'll make this post picture heavy.Just cause I can. Here's a little sneak peek at whats in store: Federer.Nadal.Cosplay. Ready? DO A BARREL ROLL!

hahahahahas...To rival Nadal, nothing gets hotter on the courts than Federer:
Night all~
Hmm...well I'm just sitting here, at the computer desk doing absolutely nothing productive( besides writing up a blog post?) I have a Maths exam on Monday which I really wanna do well in so I was going to study..but mangs...this type of dark gloomy weather doesn't stand well with me at all.Not at all I tell you.Hmph...
So what have I been up to really?Since we all know I haven't blogged in yoinks!But erm..well lets see..
Well, I got a hair cut.It's really breezy now toos since it's Winter soon.Brrr, but people have been saying I look good with shorter hair. Cause for most of year ten my hair was short sooo...well let's just say I look better with short hair. Oh, and my tail is longer too :D( duh, it's more noticeable now).
You would have also noticed changed my blog ne? the template I changed. Maybe it's time for something new, something fresh, something that isn't used by everyone that won't make your own blog looks better this way right?
Erh...and this medicine tastes horrible nows.Without amoxcil.Anyways.Events that are coming up:
- Summer wars!yaaaays! Tickets are only ten bucks so thats pretty awesome.Like c'mon..ten bucks to go see a movie.A highly acclaimed one.Hell its never going to happen agains. But they're showing Summer wars for the Sydney Film festival so yeahs...and then we can go arcade afterwards!YATTA! One point though...I don't see why they put two arcades right next to each other...competiting ones at that. The movie will be at Event cinemas George st...and that has both Timezone AND Galaxy world.Still going to play at both. Heck my money will be gone but who cares.
- SUPANOVA!my first time going there so i wonder how its going to turn out....And i'll be cosplaying agains so yeahs...hmm...more later :D
What else...erh...maybe a photo spammage afterwards...toy story 1 and 2 marathon on channel 7...hmm. I forgot what I was going to'll come back to me.
It's pitch black outside on that point, goodnight all. AND I PROMISE I SHALL MAKE A POST WHEN MY EXAMS FINISH!
Until then~
It gets unbelievably dark too quickly nowadays.Autumn Solstice. Unleashes the inner beast. Howl.
Hello all!
I know I haven't posted in a while but life keeps me busy. But I'm just here to maybe update you guys on my day, I guess.
So what did I get up to in school todays? Let's have a look shall we:
- A guest speaker came todays: Mr Brent Sanders..on the issue of.. safety.Rape. Rah. Good enough.
- It was mufti day todays.. and I think I dressed quite snazzy. :D Well I liked what I wore, not sure about the other people but meh. I'm me. It's my style and you can leave me alone. don't like it, get lost.
- Second half of day was soooo boring...
- Someone didn't parkour today..==
- Joe didn't know what a friggin petticoat was and here i am in front of him wearing one..
- ARCADE! was good :D cept Joshua dogged us agains.
- library by myself was good toos..I wasn't really loner.Did see people there. Met a new person too. She asked for my name, and she told me hers.
- Btw...Liverpool station when it gets dark is somewhat scary nows...:S there was a fight that nearly started next to my bus.. farh out.

I think I'll just leave this picture here...Thanks again Jared!
Whelps. Its time to pack my bag. Time to regain an early sleeping pattern(hopefully).Go back into this daily routine known as SCHOOL. *Sigh* My holidays were quite fun too...Just like what the good sir Jared mentioned down there. Good times had and spent.
I'm not really bothered to type anything up (agains. Dejavu of the previous holidays before term one hey?) It is going to be school in a few hours. School...when my days goes back into set hours and things to do, when I'm not lazing about anymores, when I can't play my games... CAN'T PLAY MY GAMES NO MORE?! Ridiculous! D: But it's the utter truth. For eleven weeks as well. Plus this time it's going to get harder, much harder. Grrrreaat.
Am I going to break under pressure? Hope not. Am I going to make new everlasting memories? Hmmm I'd like to. I want to do better this term. I know I will( hopefully) T______T But you know what makes every school term fly by? Friends. They'll be here for me... least I think they will. If not, then..well expect nothing in return from me. That's how the world works sorry.
*Sigh* Goodbye my blog, games...GAAAMMMES D: . I gotta get my head in the game*sorry HSM reference...O_O dang nab it, I'm hallucinating*. YAH! *headdesk*...Actually, I'll be on SEMI-HIATUS. Much better...this time I'm not dissapearing.
So here we are. Sunday before school starts and it's time to reflect on the last two weeks. In a nutshell it's been pretty good, and as a whole I'm pretty happy about what I got up to. Matter of fact what did I get up to? Let's see
-Rock Band Session at Emilee's house on the day we finished school AWESOME!
-Selina and Joe come over on a tuesday. Major fun!
-Collaborating with Selina on Around the World in 7 Days according to Selina and
Jared with friends. I dare say we've done quite a lot ay?
-Gaming Marathon with Selina yesterday. I'm better than you at Stepmania.
-Celebrating Laos New Year with friends hoo!!
-Playing lotsa games! ZOMG Silent Hill 2 and The World Ends With You being major
-Study day with Selina, Joe, Alec and Emilee. Major discovery: Arcade machine that
plays retro games. $1 gets you two games! AMAAAAAAAZING!
This is the last post of Around the World in 7 Days...will we be back next holidays? I certainly hope so! I might just have to talk with Selina tho, she's a busy one.
Final thoughts? Well Selina, I thought the developers would go down the same path of...well samey holidays! But I was surprised, they attempted to do something different, and it's ultimately payed off. What we have here is a holiday that was fun, and if a holiday is fun, well I'm happy. I'm gonna give it 8 outta 10 holiday rubber chickens.
This is it. The last paragraph. I don't know what to write anymore and it's getting a bit depressing. I'll miss doing this for 10 weeks! BYE EVERYONE!!
-Rock Band Session at Emilee's house on the day we finished school AWESOME!
-Selina and Joe come over on a tuesday. Major fun!
-Collaborating with Selina on Around the World in 7 Days according to Selina and
Jared with friends. I dare say we've done quite a lot ay?
-Gaming Marathon with Selina yesterday. I'm better than you at Stepmania.
-Celebrating Laos New Year with friends hoo!!
-Playing lotsa games! ZOMG Silent Hill 2 and The World Ends With You being major
-Study day with Selina, Joe, Alec and Emilee. Major discovery: Arcade machine that
plays retro games. $1 gets you two games! AMAAAAAAAZING!
This is the last post of Around the World in 7 Days...will we be back next holidays? I certainly hope so! I might just have to talk with Selina tho, she's a busy one.
Final thoughts? Well Selina, I thought the developers would go down the same path of...well samey holidays! But I was surprised, they attempted to do something different, and it's ultimately payed off. What we have here is a holiday that was fun, and if a holiday is fun, well I'm happy. I'm gonna give it 8 outta 10 holiday rubber chickens.
This is it. The last paragraph. I don't know what to write anymore and it's getting a bit depressing. I'll miss doing this for 10 weeks! BYE EVERYONE!!
Mum:*enters room* Wake up.
Mum: I said get up now.
Me: Wah?..huh?...Zzzz
Mum*little bit frustrated*: It's six o' clock. We're going to leave soon. Without you. Now wake up. *walks outta the room*
Me:Zzz..alright,alright. *turns in bed*
Annnnnd that was my day so far. Nah I kid. That was exactly at six am this morning right before everyone in my family(except for lazy, sleepyhead brother who stayed home) headed off to send our relatives back to homeland! My eyes were so droopy...but I managed to wake up, stay up, have a bite(if you call brekky this: sandwich shared with mum; had to rip into pieces cos of braces) grab my necessities ( Ds, mp3,camera, earphones and a bottle of water) and jump into the car.
No pit stops(cept maybe to go pick up the relatives to drop off at Sydney International airport).Oh!Plus Cabrammatta for some brekky take away. MY FAVOURITE DVD SHOP ACTUALLY CLOSED DOWN TOO!*cough,cough,nudge,nudge,wink,wink* Other than that, it was straight to the airport. Which I haven't been in yoinks, so it was quite fun to see it agains. The thrill of lining up for your flight, check-in, then wondering around aimlessly for the departure gate. Mind you, the shops here were really high class(Ok.Maybe 'The wiggly store' isn't as high class, but for high-class kiddie flyers?)
Here's an example of what I mean: We passed by a Guess store on the way out of airport. I eye a red shirt that I like. Check the price tag...Nearly screamed in the store. The price? $100. D: I liked the clothes from that brand...ah wells. Although, when I went to Westfields at Bondi Junction one time, I bought a Mooks shirt that was originally 90 bucks. It was reduced down to 60. Hmm.
What else...There was a bookstore. I absolutely adore books, so I automatically run inside, mesmerised by all these books surrounding me.(Lock me in a library and I'll sleep in heaven. Lock me in a gamestore instead, and you got yourself a ninja) The smell of the pages ripening away, the hardcovers, the print..ahhh. Wonderful.It truly is. This bookstore was sorta huge too(Not as big as Kinokuniya at TGV) But big enough to contain an added section of a News-agency on the side. Which was where I spotted the whole, cleanly organised rack of gaming magazines.
I walked out happily with issue 4 of the "Gameinformer" magazine costing only $5. (Gameinformer had epic mickey on their issue 0 cover.)
Lemme tell you, Gameinformer is a brilliant read for intellectual minds. That is all.
We also browsed this other store which contained everything, well more or less like a Duty-free store for technology, perfume, alcohol and the like.
They had the new-gen consoles for sale, including God of War III(watching/listening to a God of War series rant is the best by far).
Swatch watches...I want one of those as well.
Such high-roller fashion. Maybe I'll get one when I go to Europe.
It was quite sad to send off my relatives from Laos back to Laos, because then I realise (like I haven't for the past days of the repeated quote "When you're older you HAVE to go visit them/us") that I won't see them again until then.The last time they were here was when I was small. I've had a good time with them. I'm pretty sure they had an enjoyable time down here as well. Except for the fact that they would stayed for two more months here if it wasn't for family incidents back home not to be mentioned. Other than that, I wish them well until next time. Hopefully I'll be more fluent in Laotian as to communicate much better.
More photos from this morning:
Samsung golden hand! Zoom!!
Nice use of blocks...if they were Rubik's cube, that'd be a much better structure.
Goodbye airport!Till another how many years.
Driving in the M5 is horrible. Toxic fumes gathered here, no wonder there's so many asthmatics in this world.
Oh yeahs! I was also addicted(still am) to Rhythm Heaven( the car trip to and back. Didn't fit any Phoenix Wright in though, too busy reading GAMEINFORMER. list of things to accomplish for the rest of the day:
Mum: I said get up now.
Me: Wah?..huh?...Zzzz
Mum*little bit frustrated*: It's six o' clock. We're going to leave soon. Without you. Now wake up. *walks outta the room*
Me:Zzz..alright,alright. *turns in bed*
Annnnnd that was my day so far. Nah I kid. That was exactly at six am this morning right before everyone in my family(except for lazy, sleepyhead brother who stayed home) headed off to send our relatives back to homeland! My eyes were so droopy...but I managed to wake up, stay up, have a bite(if you call brekky this: sandwich shared with mum; had to rip into pieces cos of braces) grab my necessities ( Ds, mp3,camera, earphones and a bottle of water) and jump into the car.
No pit stops(cept maybe to go pick up the relatives to drop off at Sydney International airport).Oh!Plus Cabrammatta for some brekky take away. MY FAVOURITE DVD SHOP ACTUALLY CLOSED DOWN TOO!*cough,cough,nudge,nudge,wink,wink* Other than that, it was straight to the airport. Which I haven't been in yoinks, so it was quite fun to see it agains. The thrill of lining up for your flight, check-in, then wondering around aimlessly for the departure gate. Mind you, the shops here were really high class(Ok.Maybe 'The wiggly store' isn't as high class, but for high-class kiddie flyers?)
Here's an example of what I mean: We passed by a Guess store on the way out of airport. I eye a red shirt that I like. Check the price tag...Nearly screamed in the store. The price? $100. D: I liked the clothes from that brand...ah wells. Although, when I went to Westfields at Bondi Junction one time, I bought a Mooks shirt that was originally 90 bucks. It was reduced down to 60. Hmm.
What else...There was a bookstore. I absolutely adore books, so I automatically run inside, mesmerised by all these books surrounding me.(Lock me in a library and I'll sleep in heaven. Lock me in a gamestore instead, and you got yourself a ninja) The smell of the pages ripening away, the hardcovers, the print..ahhh. Wonderful.It truly is. This bookstore was sorta huge too(Not as big as Kinokuniya at TGV) But big enough to contain an added section of a News-agency on the side. Which was where I spotted the whole, cleanly organised rack of gaming magazines.
We also browsed this other store which contained everything, well more or less like a Duty-free store for technology, perfume, alcohol and the like.
It was quite sad to send off my relatives from Laos back to Laos, because then I realise (like I haven't for the past days of the repeated quote "When you're older you HAVE to go visit them/us") that I won't see them again until then.The last time they were here was when I was small. I've had a good time with them. I'm pretty sure they had an enjoyable time down here as well. Except for the fact that they would stayed for two more months here if it wasn't for family incidents back home not to be mentioned. Other than that, I wish them well until next time. Hopefully I'll be more fluent in Laotian as to communicate much better.
More photos from this morning:
Oh yeahs! I was also addicted(still am) to Rhythm Heaven( the car trip to and back. Didn't fit any Phoenix Wright in though, too busy reading GAMEINFORMER. list of things to accomplish for the rest of the day:
- Bake a green sponge cake with cream in between layers with mini marshmallows..hmm maybe I oughta melt those marshmallows instead.
- Get pizza ingredients. Quick sticks!
- Play games some more.*I'm coming back rhythm heaven!*
- Organise today, so that tomorrow's Gaming marathon with partner in crime Jared((also other half of this blog since the start of holidays) heinous crimes) runs smoothly.
Around the World in seven days with Selina & Jared with friends: ROCKBAND!
Sakurap | Tuesday, April 13, 2010 |
Yup. It's overdue by a mile, I know but meh. HERE YAH GO! Hold on tight and get ready for this ride! Mind you, it will be bumpy.
That's what you get by Paramore
Seven nation army by white stripes
Nine in the afternoon by Panic at the disco!
All the small things by blink182
Feel good inc. by gorrilaz
Wake up call by Maroon 5
Maps by Yeahs Yeahs Yeahs
Love like winter by AFI
Here it goes again by Ok go
Poker face by Lady gaga
Carry on my wayward son by Kansas
Call me when you're sober by evanescence
Bad romance by Lady gaga.
And done!*phew*~ How's everyone's holiday going? Mine...yeahs it's alright. The magical findings of a HDMI cable has heightened my ps3 gaming to a whole new level so yeahs, all cool :D Till next post!
That's what you get by Paramore
Seven nation army by white stripes
Nine in the afternoon by Panic at the disco!
All the small things by blink182
Feel good inc. by gorrilaz
Wake up call by Maroon 5
Maps by Yeahs Yeahs Yeahs
Love like winter by AFI
Here it goes again by Ok go
Poker face by Lady gaga
Carry on my wayward son by Kansas
Call me when you're sober by evanescence
Bad romance by Lady gaga.
And done!*phew*~ How's everyone's holiday going? Mine...yeahs it's alright. The magical findings of a HDMI cable has heightened my ps3 gaming to a whole new level so yeahs, all cool :D Till next post!
Sorry fellow followers of mine, I know I haven't posted in a while but might as well jot some nifty points about what's been occupying me these past few days. Better than nothing, I guess. Providing some pictures as well.
Thursday: Went shopping at city with friends on. Always a good thing, besides losing all my money...Plus I also bought the Phoenix Wright Art Book ( I walked into Galaxy world at Market city expecting that I use some money, but noooo. Nothing. Zilch.Nada. Not a penny at all to play arcade games, and I'm blaming my friends.
The converse store at Market city. I wanted those chucks so badly! (The only shoes I wear and collect are chucks..yeahs call me weird.)D: The texture was sorta like fur? If only I didn't buy a book.At the end of the day, my dad told me he was going to give me fifty bucks to spend but I left the house earlier with mum...Dang it.
We also took heaps of caps! I mean HEAPS!(like three machines heaps!)...which is money gone again.
Why oh why?!...hmm what else. Ate at Ice cube, Darling Harbour for lunch. The sea gulls were addicted to us...farh out they wouldn't leave us in peace..because someone kept feeding em.
(I like my pepper spice :D)$ 10 that was. Oh! I also had cold rock ice cream; bubblegum with chocolate freckles mixed in..mmmm.
A lovely tour of the Lindt chocolate cafe by Winnie..mmm divine.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday: Celebrated Laos New year with family and all other people at the festival at Bonnyrigg temple. Got to see Manoh and Eric again so that was pretty cool. Sa bai dee pee mai lao ~
the only one where I'm visible that I'm putting up :D
My little cousin Nicholas( he nearly beat me in chess!) sticking this..thingo in the sand dune. I smelled like incense from that.
All the pretty guys and girls (well technically it was the crowning of 'Nang Sankhane' and her six sisters) But yeahs...these people..were celebrated?special? I can't explain in English. They danced all the way around the temple and out here.
The band that followed. Banging on the drums. Normal people also danced behind them.Such a familiar, joyous atmosphere..
These were dancers in front of the band and dancers.If that makes any sense...
Friday: Traveled to Parramatta to get my braces.. They suck. Badly. But I'm slowly coping.
And yeeeaaahs...That's whats been happening in the middle of my holidays. Interesting? Highly, but then again its the holidays :D. I hope you guys are having as much fun as I am. Cos now its time to go back to doing holiday homework.( maybe after editing this overdue rockband video)
Thursday: Went shopping at city with friends on. Always a good thing, besides losing all my money...Plus I also bought the Phoenix Wright Art Book ( I walked into Galaxy world at Market city expecting that I use some money, but noooo. Nothing. Zilch.Nada. Not a penny at all to play arcade games, and I'm blaming my friends.
We also took heaps of caps! I mean HEAPS!(like three machines heaps!)...which is money gone again.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday: Celebrated Laos New year with family and all other people at the festival at Bonnyrigg temple. Got to see Manoh and Eric again so that was pretty cool. Sa bai dee pee mai lao ~
Friday: Traveled to Parramatta to get my braces.. They suck. Badly. But I'm slowly coping.
And yeeeaaahs...That's whats been happening in the middle of my holidays. Interesting? Highly, but then again its the holidays :D. I hope you guys are having as much fun as I am. Cos now its time to go back to doing holiday homework.( maybe after editing this overdue rockband video)
Hello blogaroonies! When I went onto Selina's blog to post something new I noticed that the last post was done by me...on her page. I thought to myself "something's seriously wrong here" but then I remembered she posted on MY page, so if you missed out, here it is:
Check out that OFFICIAL Phoenix Wright art book mmmm! It looks good, feels good, smells good and probably tastes good. I wouldn't eat it though, why would you rip out pages of a $63.75 book?! ARE YOU CRAZY MAN?!!!!!
Anyway, day 6 of the holidays so we're nearly half way. And if you're worried that this blog will end tomorrow because we're supposed to go around the world in 7 days, fear not! The title was devised when selina said something about having to travel around the world in 7 days, and it kinda spawned from there!
Anyway, no more side tracking? What did I get up to today? Just a bit of the same old, power rangers, youtubing, FIFA 10...which makes me really angry. I will not rant about FIFA 10 for I do not want to contaminate I'm an orange with FIFA 10 ranting! So instead I'll just rage...RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE!!!!
I also played 'Press X to Jason' which is this neat flash game that mocks the scene in Heavy Rain where you walk around as Ethan, and repeatedly press X to call Jason, his son who has gone missing in the mall. And that's pretty much what it is, pressing X to call out jason, until the 30 seconds is up, in which it counts how many times you called out Jason (in other words, pressed X). 270 times for me, 404 time for my brother grrr. I also played Mario and Sonic at the olympic games with my brother on the DS, but the less said about that the better :)
So that's pretty much my day. My partner in (harmless) crime had a splendid day celebrating Laos New Year! Mention Coconut tarts and you won't hear the end of won't want it to stop anyway!
I'll leave you readers with some inspiring words to ponder. Until next time, Hex out!
We're back! We're ready to morph into action!
Six working together to fight evil!
And stop Rita!
And all her menacing monsters!
From destroying our planet Earth!
And ruling the universe with evil!
Look out, Rita, we're not backing down 'cause we're the...POWER RANGERS!!
Check out that OFFICIAL Phoenix Wright art book mmmm! It looks good, feels good, smells good and probably tastes good. I wouldn't eat it though, why would you rip out pages of a $63.75 book?! ARE YOU CRAZY MAN?!!!!!
Anyway, day 6 of the holidays so we're nearly half way. And if you're worried that this blog will end tomorrow because we're supposed to go around the world in 7 days, fear not! The title was devised when selina said something about having to travel around the world in 7 days, and it kinda spawned from there!
Anyway, no more side tracking? What did I get up to today? Just a bit of the same old, power rangers, youtubing, FIFA 10...which makes me really angry. I will not rant about FIFA 10 for I do not want to contaminate I'm an orange with FIFA 10 ranting! So instead I'll just rage...RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE!!!!
I also played 'Press X to Jason' which is this neat flash game that mocks the scene in Heavy Rain where you walk around as Ethan, and repeatedly press X to call Jason, his son who has gone missing in the mall. And that's pretty much what it is, pressing X to call out jason, until the 30 seconds is up, in which it counts how many times you called out Jason (in other words, pressed X). 270 times for me, 404 time for my brother grrr. I also played Mario and Sonic at the olympic games with my brother on the DS, but the less said about that the better :)
So that's pretty much my day. My partner in (harmless) crime had a splendid day celebrating Laos New Year! Mention Coconut tarts and you won't hear the end of won't want it to stop anyway!
I'll leave you readers with some inspiring words to ponder. Until next time, Hex out!
We're back! We're ready to morph into action!
Six working together to fight evil!
And stop Rita!
And all her menacing monsters!
From destroying our planet Earth!
And ruling the universe with evil!
Look out, Rita, we're not backing down 'cause we're the...POWER RANGERS!!
Around the World in 7 days according to Selina and Jared with friends: Day two from Jared's view!
Jared | Tuesday, April 6, 2010 |
Day two! I hope every day of the holidays is like day two, having awesome friends over and doing all the things awesome friends do like uh...visit Op Shops! And take photos of awesome magazine collections! Anyway let's continue.
Selina, public transport isn't necessarily an expensive thing when friends are willing to lend money that they need for transport on a later date. Anyway that's besides the point, you shouldn't be complaining bout monies when you walked into JB hi fi and bought a $100 GAME!! Fair enough it is a pretty good game tho, and with an Arcade stick zomg!! But still!
And uh...well I concede defeat in the chess series, I'll get ya back tho! I'll be back like Lord Zedd is every episode of Power Rangers, promising to find some new nefarious scheme to take over Angel Grove and then the world! I'LL BE BACK SELINA!!
So how did Day 2 go? Let's take Selina's points and put them from my perspective:
1) I do like to take walks. Long walks sometimes, as long as I have a bottle of water with me. Yeah being stranded with Bryan and Florence woulda been pretty bad (nah they're alright!) but I stress the point that you were supposed to get off at the stop which has the guy waving his arms around! I STRESS IT!! Oh well at least I got some Miles Edgeworth time down...
2) It is pretty hard dontcha think? Hence why I needed your artistic help
3) My PS2 is showing its age. It is making me sad. Hope you enjoy Bayonetta as much as I did.
4) Welllll! My arse hurt...end of story.
5) I can call that abandoned place a brothel, if you don't have any evidence to prove that it wasn't a brothel. DO YA?!
6) Thanks for the Digimon and the Power Rangers! Hope you enjoy Pivot as much as flo and I do!
7) I need a phone. Period. So be glad that you have a phone hmph!
8) I like my elite skillz too! Especially in Guitar Hero. Refer to arcade machine
9) Your cooking is certainly the best! Make some more cookies for my birthday? Thanks bro
10) *starts singing* GO GO POWER RANGERS!! *brief guitar solo*
Today was fun, and I wish every day was as fun as today. But if every day was as fun as today, fun would become boring, and we wouldn't know the concept of boring. And that will go against the logic of the world. I guess what I'm trying to say is...Tracey Lien is zomg hotness galore love love love love love
Jared out!
Selina, public transport isn't necessarily an expensive thing when friends are willing to lend money that they need for transport on a later date. Anyway that's besides the point, you shouldn't be complaining bout monies when you walked into JB hi fi and bought a $100 GAME!! Fair enough it is a pretty good game tho, and with an Arcade stick zomg!! But still!
And uh...well I concede defeat in the chess series, I'll get ya back tho! I'll be back like Lord Zedd is every episode of Power Rangers, promising to find some new nefarious scheme to take over Angel Grove and then the world! I'LL BE BACK SELINA!!
So how did Day 2 go? Let's take Selina's points and put them from my perspective:
1) I do like to take walks. Long walks sometimes, as long as I have a bottle of water with me. Yeah being stranded with Bryan and Florence woulda been pretty bad (nah they're alright!) but I stress the point that you were supposed to get off at the stop which has the guy waving his arms around! I STRESS IT!! Oh well at least I got some Miles Edgeworth time down...
2) It is pretty hard dontcha think? Hence why I needed your artistic help
3) My PS2 is showing its age. It is making me sad. Hope you enjoy Bayonetta as much as I did.
4) Welllll! My arse hurt...end of story.
5) I can call that abandoned place a brothel, if you don't have any evidence to prove that it wasn't a brothel. DO YA?!
6) Thanks for the Digimon and the Power Rangers! Hope you enjoy Pivot as much as flo and I do!
7) I need a phone. Period. So be glad that you have a phone hmph!
8) I like my elite skillz too! Especially in Guitar Hero. Refer to arcade machine
9) Your cooking is certainly the best! Make some more cookies for my birthday? Thanks bro
10) *starts singing* GO GO POWER RANGERS!! *brief guitar solo*
Today was fun, and I wish every day was as fun as today. But if every day was as fun as today, fun would become boring, and we wouldn't know the concept of boring. And that will go against the logic of the world. I guess what I'm trying to say is...Tracey Lien is zomg hotness galore love love love love love
Jared out!
Whelps,followers of this grand adventure of mine, what have I accomplished for day two? Going over to Jared's house and obtaining my targeted desire: Devil May Cry 4...ooooh yeahs. Mission complete.
First off, I would like to complain about something. Public transport. Far out, they stress me so much. It's so friggin expensive toos! A bus from Liverpool station to Leacocks lane cost me about $3.30!(but then again, I was stupidly paying for an adult fee).
What else...oh yeahs! I WON IN CHESS! ( That is all the rubbing in I'm going to do..for now.) It consisted of three rounds over the duration of this term with the resulting score being 2-1. So now the overall score is 6-5 his way. I swear, I'm going to reign supreme on the scoreboards once again. Nothing can stop me now with this arcade stick!
Well basically it was hanging out and about in Casula I suppose. Nothing more, other than the fact that:
1) Jared likes to take walks.Very long walks leaving the guest stranded at his house with brother and sister. (Ok. Well maybe I'll take some of the blame for not getting off at the right stop. Call me a noob for all I care.)
2) It's such a pain to put up a single poster. Like seriously now.
3) We got some gaming done; Final Fantasy 12 for Jared's ps2 doesn't work, Bayonetta for Joe, some Rockband featuring Flo, God of War 3 for Byran annnnd... well nothing on my account.I got to take home two games though. ^^
4) People need to learn to look out for the traffic lights. Yes, I'm talking to four eyes too.
5) An abandoned place (with strangely posistioned doors above ground) isn't necessarily a brothel in its first life.
6) Good technology swapping goes a long way.A long way indeed. Thanks were exchanged.(The exception is when Joe overtakes Msn.Bad idea.)
7) I need to get a better phone. So does Maryanne( who has purple hair nows!*refer to collage*)
8) I like mah elite skillz. That is all.
9) My cooking is the best.( Cookie wookie! and instant noodles cup...mmmmmm oishi desu-ne?)
10) *starts singing* Gee, gee, Gee ,geee ,gee baby baby~
And that actually shall be all..I think. Well today was fun, I have to say. The Casula atmosphere is always welcoming I suppose. What's there in Casula to hate? Nothing, nothing at all.

What else...oh yeahs! I WON IN CHESS! ( That is all the rubbing in I'm going to do..for now.) It consisted of three rounds over the duration of this term with the resulting score being 2-1. So now the overall score is 6-5 his way. I swear, I'm going to reign supreme on the scoreboards once again. Nothing can stop me now with this arcade stick!
Well basically it was hanging out and about in Casula I suppose. Nothing more, other than the fact that:
1) Jared likes to take walks.Very long walks leaving the guest stranded at his house with brother and sister. (Ok. Well maybe I'll take some of the blame for not getting off at the right stop. Call me a noob for all I care.)
2) It's such a pain to put up a single poster. Like seriously now.
3) We got some gaming done; Final Fantasy 12 for Jared's ps2 doesn't work, Bayonetta for Joe, some Rockband featuring Flo, God of War 3 for Byran annnnd... well nothing on my account.I got to take home two games though. ^^
4) People need to learn to look out for the traffic lights. Yes, I'm talking to four eyes too.
5) An abandoned place (with strangely posistioned doors above ground) isn't necessarily a brothel in its first life.
6) Good technology swapping goes a long way.A long way indeed. Thanks were exchanged.(The exception is when Joe overtakes Msn.Bad idea.)
7) I need to get a better phone. So does Maryanne( who has purple hair nows!*refer to collage*)
8) I like mah elite skillz. That is all.
9) My cooking is the best.( Cookie wookie! and instant noodles cup...mmmmmm oishi desu-ne?)
10) *starts singing* Gee, gee, Gee ,geee ,gee baby baby~
And that actually shall be all..I think. Well today was fun, I have to say. The Casula atmosphere is always welcoming I suppose. What's there in Casula to hate? Nothing, nothing at all.
Well considering our first day of the holidays is on monday, I've taken the initiative to name the Rockband Session at Emilee's house Day minus 4, cause it was four days before the official start of the holidays which was Monday...actually don't worry about it.
So as you can see below, Selina has utilised her artistic abilities to create a collage of Day minus 4, which was the best way to end the first term of school. The culmination of stress, early starts and the usual highs and lows ended in a furore of singing, drumming, guitaring and repeatedly calling Joe 'noob' at rock band! YA NOOB!
HOO! There's a formula for fun and it goes:
Rock Band squared + Full Band Set x 6 or more people = Fun
Even Einstein agrees, cause he came up to me in a dream and told me about it. You gonna disagree with Einstein??!
Going back to Day Minus 4, there was pretty much nothing that went wrong, there was even yummy food! Like zomg the day couldn't have been more perfect, or else the laws of the universe would be broken and we would cease to exist!
Perfect start to the holidays! I'll be reporting for duty in the next two weeks! Till then, Jared out!
So as you can see below, Selina has utilised her artistic abilities to create a collage of Day minus 4, which was the best way to end the first term of school. The culmination of stress, early starts and the usual highs and lows ended in a furore of singing, drumming, guitaring and repeatedly calling Joe 'noob' at rock band! YA NOOB!
HOO! There's a formula for fun and it goes:
Rock Band squared + Full Band Set x 6 or more people = Fun
Even Einstein agrees, cause he came up to me in a dream and told me about it. You gonna disagree with Einstein??!
Going back to Day Minus 4, there was pretty much nothing that went wrong, there was even yummy food! Like zomg the day couldn't have been more perfect, or else the laws of the universe would be broken and we would cease to exist!
Perfect start to the holidays! I'll be reporting for duty in the next two weeks! Till then, Jared out!
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